Recent content by mcohena1

  1. M

    Help calculating the G-Force in a corner

    Yeah I understand where you are coming from but the other part of my argument is that the road was just freshly repaved and they had not yet painted on any road markers so we'll see if its enough to sway the judge. Anyways, I appreciate everyones input. It's tomorrow morning so wish me...
  2. M

    Help calculating the G-Force in a corner

    Thanks, I really appreciate you guys getting back to me so quickly. I went on google maps and measured the distance and it looks like the distance is rougly 68 feet to the inside of the crosswalk on the left and from that point its about 55 feet to where I completed the turn. Since the...
  3. M

    Help calculating the G-Force in a corner

    Hi, I recently got a red light ticket for supposedly running a left turn and I wanted to try to fight the ticket. The officer told me I took the turn at 40-45 mph and then immediately wrote down 45-50 mph on the ticket. In one of my arguments, I want to try to prove that my car can't execute a...