Recent content by McMurry

  1. M

    Help to verify this 8PSK modulation

    Homework Statement I used MATLAB to perform simulation on 8psk modulation, and this is the result i obtained. I would need your help to help me to verify whether the result I obtained is valid. Thanks. [PLAIN] Homework...
  2. M

    MATLAB MATLAB: Fast Fourier Transform

    hi guys, thanks for the reply. the purpose is to observe the symmetry property of Fourier transform and also to explain the spikes that is occurring.
  3. M

    MATLAB MATLAB: Fast Fourier Transform

    do you mean that the reason is because we can't log (0)? is that the only reason we are adding 1 to the log? thanks.
  4. M

    MATLAB MATLAB: Fast Fourier Transform

    I have run the following command: c = wavread('sample.wav'); amplitude = log (abs(fft(c))); and obtained the following plot: however, i was told to use this instead: amplitude = log (1+abs(fft(c))); and obtained the...
  5. M

    PAM is not very good for long-distance transmission. Why is it so?

    Ops. PAM = pulse amplitude modulation for digital communication.
  6. M

    PAM is not very good for long-distance transmission. Why is it so?

    Homework Statement Just came across the statement that PAM is not very good for long-distance transmission. Why is it so? Thanks. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Is it because the output is of infinite length?
  7. M

    Average Output Voltage Vdc of Full Wave Rectifier

    Homework Statement The Vdc of Full Wave Rectifier (with diode) with midpoint configuration has been found to be 2Vm/(pi) and Vrms = Vm/sqrt(2) How about the Vdc and Vrms value for the full wave rectifier but with bridge configuration. The difference is the the peak inverse voltage...
  8. M

    Engineering Are RLE Load and Capacitive Load Buck Choppers Identical?

    Homework Statement I've gone through two different books... and both give a different circuit for the buck chopper. Is the one with RLE load is totally same like the one with a capacitor in parallel with the resistive load? hxxp://