Recent content by mcgucken

  1. M

    Is String Theory A Waste Of Time?

    The beautiful paradox of String Theory is that anyone dumb enough to devote 30 years of their life to a non-theory--a theory without postulates, laws, and experimental evidence--will also be dumb enough to defend that theory to the death.
  2. M

    Exploring Light Wavelengths from the Sun's Surface

    Has anything like this been measured? Is there any experimental data regarding this? Thanks!
  3. M

    What is the difference in amplitude between red and blue photons?

    What is the difference in amplitude between red and blue photons? Which has a great amplitude? Where is the definition of a photon's amplitude defined?
  4. M

    Exploring Light Wavelengths from the Sun's Surface

    When we look at the sun, does light emitted from the edges of the sun have a different wavelength than light emitted from the center of the disk?
  5. M

    Is String Theory A Waste Of Time?

    Does string theory have any postulates or laws? Is string theory the first physical theory without postulates and laws? I've been trying to find string theory's postulates and laws somewhere. Thanks!
  6. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    Hello Marcus, I am only trying to discuss the postulates of String Theory, wherever I can on the internet. I'm assuming that the postulates will be the same, assuming that all posters are in inertial frames. :)
  7. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    Could someone please post a postulate, law, or prediction of String Theory? We would all very much like to discuss it! Thanks!
  8. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    I apologize if I have done anything to inhibit this thread. I agree that we should only discuss theories here, and not personalities. I am sorry for bringing up Brian Greene and Edward Witten. From hereon out let us discuss only their postulates and laws, but not their names, quotes, tv...
  9. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    I move that we discuss Witten's foundational paper which includes Witten's postulates of String Theory. After that I propose that we discuss Brian Greene's revolutionary paper on String Thoery and the Laws of String Theory he lays out. I suppose we can continue the discussion in this...
  10. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    Thanks for all the feedback here, but all I'm looking for is one or two papers we could discuss. If nobody else suggests a couple papers, or if nobody knows of any, then I will introduce a couple papers to discuss, which I believe are the leading papers/definitive papers on String Theory...
  11. M

    Exploring the Nonlocality of Strings in Quantum Mechanics

    Hello Canute, String Theory does not account for the non-locality observed in QM. It does not provide a deeper, more fundamental model to explain the EPR paradox and the experimental verifications of Bell's Inequalities. String Theorists are very discrete in choosing their battles...
  12. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    I'm not looking for trouble. I'm just looking for someone to direct me to a couple of the leading papers on String Theory. Then we can pick one and perhaps discuss it. Thanks in advance!
  13. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    The site Hurkyl gave me has absolutely no links to papers. The site's a joke--no equations, no papers, no postulates, no fundamental principles--just the typical hand-waving and cool pictures.
  14. M

    Exploring String Theory & LQG: A Beginner's Guide

    I'm just wondering why nobody can name any leading papers on String Theory in a forum devoted to String Theory. If someone could point out some major papers on String Theory, then perhaps we would have something to discuss in this forum.
  15. M

    Who Are String Theory's Top Hypsters & Con Artists?

    With so many cranks, hypesters, and con-artists posing as peer-reviewers, why does PF allow string theory to be discussed, and why does it have its own forum? It has never been experimentally verified, and the theory makes no sense. It has accomplished absolutely nothing. Why is it allowed...