Recent content by MC363A

  1. MC363A

    Physics Homework Help: Solving a Cliff Height Problem in 3.4 Seconds

    thats where i got my equation from. d = 1/2at1^2 therefore, t1 = sqrt(2d/g) and t2 = d/v(sound) t1+t2=t(total) therefore, (d/v)+sqrt(2d/g) = t(total) it's the rest of it i get messed up on, I've tried it severl times, and it appears you are hinting at this equation, a little insight?
  2. MC363A

    Physics Homework Help: Solving a Cliff Height Problem in 3.4 Seconds

    i need help with this problem. I've tried for a while now and it is driving me crazy! I've tried about everything including using what little calculus i remember from last year! please help! the problem is: you are standing on a cliff and you drop a rock straight down, neglecting air resistance...
  3. MC363A

    What Causes Data Signal Attenuation Over Different Cable Lengths?

    I am trying to be as general as posible. Assuming the two wires are the same, and there is no power lost at the source or at the reciever. Just a basic data stream that travels from point A to point B. Again, Thank you for help.
  4. MC363A

    What Causes Data Signal Attenuation Over Different Cable Lengths?

    Can anyone give me a good general formula or expanation for the diference in attenuation in a data signal in a network over a 500 and a 5000 foot cable? Help would be much appreciated. Thanx!
  5. MC363A

    News Finding a Copy of the 1920's U.S.S.R. Constitution for My Animal Farm Project

    To add... This isn't what I thought it was. Anyone who has read Animal Farm , what does the writing on the side of the barn represent in relation to the former Soviet Union?
  6. MC363A

    News Finding a Copy of the 1920's U.S.S.R. Constitution for My Animal Farm Project

    I am currently doing a project on the book Animal Farm, and I need to know, where can I find a coppy of the 1920's U.S.S.R. constitution. any help would be great. If this is the wrong place to post this could you tell me where I could move to? Thanks, your help is appriciated.
  7. MC363A

    Build a Hovercraft: Get Started with Magnets

    I'm sorry, I didn't specify. I want to build a small, remote-controlled, low-speed, levitating machine. maybe these specifications will give me more results. Thank you for any help.
  8. MC363A

    Build a Hovercraft: Get Started with Magnets

    I am looking into building a hovercraft, but i have virtually no idea where to begin. I could use a bit of help. Perhaps something that uses magnets... Thanks for any help.
  9. MC363A

    NASA Discovers Martian Cats: Are They Real?

    Sorry about that stupid reply. My idiot brother got a hold of my password. The previous statement was in no way related to my current intelligence.
  10. MC363A

    Darwin Was Wrong: Woodpeckers Show Why

    I appologise for what I previously said, or didn't say. Someone has gotten a hold on my password. I will change it immediatly.
  11. MC363A

    Darwin Was Wrong: Woodpeckers Show Why

    i think you are so stupid.
  12. MC363A

    Learn Quantum Field Theory: Beginner Guide

    Does anyony know of a good, cheap (Perhaps Free :biggrin: ) book that will teach me the basics of quantum field theory. I am a very new beginner, so I will need something simple please. thanks.
  13. MC363A

    Finding a Book on Basic Number Theory

    Can anyone direct me to a good, free, book on basic number theory? Preferably free. :biggrin: But if it isn't, it's not the end of the world. Thanks