Recent content by max_planck735

  1. M

    Understanding the Fourier Transform for Sound Resynthesis

    Thanks a lot for the info, especially about the Usenet group/mailing list, that will be very helpful for me. Thanks! =)
  2. M

    Understanding the Fourier Transform for Sound Resynthesis

    I want to take an audio recording of a sound, perform a Fourier Transform on this sound, and then use the amplitude/frequency/phase information provided by this transform to set the amplitude/frequency/phase of an set of sine wave oscillators, in order to resynthesize the sound. I need to know...
  3. M

    Finding a PC Application for Audio Recording & Fourier Analysis

    Thanks a lot for the info. I've been learning to use MATLAB for the past couple days in order to get the phase information, and I have to say that it's like using a chainsaw to cut a twig... which wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that with increasing power of an application such as...
  4. M

    Finding a PC Application for Audio Recording & Fourier Analysis

    Can anyone recommend an application for PC that can take an audio recording, perform a Fourier transform, and return the audio recordings' frequency spectrum AND phase information? I can find plenty of programs that return the frequency spectrum, but I've had no luck finding one that...
  5. M

    Rules governing the creation of complex waveforms through addition of sine waves

    I'm interested in synthesizing complex waveforms using sine waves. I know that when two sine waves which differ slightly in frequency from one another are summed, amplitude modulation (AKA "beating") with a frequency equal to the difference in frequency between the two sine waves ensues. This...