Recent content by matiasmorant

  1. M

    Light decomposing when moving your eyes

    Drakkith: the barrels were made of bright steel A.T.: there where multiple lights around, there was a projector, light bulbs, light of cars driving by the street... i would say the reflection in the beer barrels wasbeing produced by the light bulbs Ibix: It does indeed sound similar. But I...
  2. M

    Light decomposing when moving your eyes

    last night i was in a bar, and i noticed that when i moved my head fast from left to right and right to left, i could see the reflection of white light in the beer barrels decompose in three colors. why does that happen?
  3. M

    Troubleshooting C Code: Segmentation Fault in GCC on Ubuntu

    thanks friend! that was the last question
  4. M

    Troubleshooting C Code: Segmentation Fault in GCC on Ubuntu

    thanks a lot! it's great to receive such a quick response I started learning programming about 10 months ago, I already finished the programming course, and I did plenty of programs with pointers, pointers to pointers, pointers to functions, etc. Then I started working with java and forgot...
  5. M

    Troubleshooting C Code: Segmentation Fault in GCC on Ubuntu

    the following code #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int* a; *a=1; return 0; } compiles ok, but throws "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" at runtime why is that? i'm working with gcc in ubuntu. I have been able to compile and run...
  6. M

    Java Opengl and java - jogl installation

    i'm trying to learn opengl with java (jogl binding), but there is no way i can set up things to work appropiately. I've spent hours trying to find the right files to download, and put them in the right folders and set the 'path' variables and so on.... but i couldn't get a success in hours, it's...
  7. M

    Java Optimizing Graphics Acceleration in Java: A Solution to Slow Mouse Motion Update

    here's the new code :) import javax.swing.*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; public class esfera extends JFrame{ double azimuth=3*Math.PI/4, inclination=Math.PI/4; //angle coordinates for the 'light...
  8. M

    Java Optimizing Graphics Acceleration in Java: A Solution to Slow Mouse Motion Update

    it originally took 500-600-ms to update the image doing the if(x*x+y*y>1) clr=0; test first, it only took 300-250ms avoiding the recalculation of asimuth and incliation, 200-225 ms the image is initializated to black by default, so recalculating pixel by pixel only the smallest square...
  9. M

    Java Optimizing Graphics Acceleration in Java: A Solution to Slow Mouse Motion Update

    I have made a java code which displays a blue sphere and let's you control with the mouse where its illumination comes from. (its actually a circle and some parts are painted white/blue/black depending on the mouse position to make it look 3D) here is the code import javax.swing.*...
  10. M

    Differentiability of BitXor function

    yes,I know that. but it's simple to see how to extend the function to all real numbers, that's why I gave the example 2.5*1.5=10.1*1.1(binary)=11(binary)=3. I don't see there is any problem in doing that, it seems pretty straight forward. we can call it the realbitxor function, or whatever...
  11. M

    Differentiability of BitXor function

    in many programming languages there is a function of two variables called BitXor (which is also known as nim-sum, since it is used in solving de nim game) which represents each number as a string of its binary digits and then takes the Xor of each pair of terms, forming a new number. For...
  12. M

    Obtaining Polynomials: Probability & Ways

    there infinitely many polynomials of that form; since there are infinitely many possibilities for choosing a single coefficient between 0 and 1. and you have to choose a bunch of them. in an even polynomial, the coefficients of odd powers are 0, still you would have bunch of coefficients which...
  13. M

    Find Area with Polar Coordinates: Help for Exams

    the area in polar coordinates is \int \int rdrd\theta setting the limits of integration so they describe the region we are considering. let's solve your example. I suggest you visualize the region we are considering. r= sin(q) is a circle of radius 1 centered at (0,1/2) and r= cos(q) is a...
  14. M

    Does Centripetal Acceleration Result in a Higher Velocity for a Released Mass?

    I don't think this is quite clear. what is the shape of the mass you are talking about? about what axis is it spun? if its a particle in a radius r from the axis, it will move with a velocity equal to the tangential velocity when its released. if it is a bar of steel rotating about its...
  15. M

    Definite Integral of 1/x from 0 to 1 problem

    from 1 to infinity the integral is unboundedly large. ln(x) tends to -infinity as x tends to 0, so the other integral is also unboundedly large. I think there's nothing wrong with saying the areas are equal