Recent content by Mathick

  1. M

    MHB Hill Cipher Attack: Eve Can Crack Alice's Message

    Hi, thanks for your reply! That is what I thought - that this problem is incomplete. It says that we use a full alphabet (26 letters) and I also came to the conclusion that the statement can't be proven. I will try to find out where the typo is and come back.
  2. M

    MHB Hill Cipher Attack: Eve Can Crack Alice's Message

    Suppose that we are in the situation that Alice is using a Hill cipher consisting of a $2 \times 2$ matrix $M$ to send her message, which is $100$ ‘A’s. If Eve intercepts this message and knows that plaintext contained only one letter, and she also knows anyone of the entries of the matrix $M$...
  3. M

    MHB Success runs in Bernoulli trials

    I tried to understand the following problem: Consider a sequence of Bernoulli trials with success probability $p$. Fix a positive integer $r$ and let $\mathcal{E}$ denote the event that a run of $r$ successes is observed; recall that we do not allow overlapping runs. We use a recurrence...
  4. M

    MHB Why Does the Matrix Calculation Not Match Expected Results in Linear Mapping?

    Hello! I don't know exactly how to state my question so I'll show you what my problem is. Ex. Let T : R[x]_3 →R be the function defined by T(p(x)) = p(−1) + \int_{0}^{1} p(x) \,dx , where R[x]_3 is a vector space of polynomials with degree at most 3. Show that $T$ is a linear map; write down...
  5. M

    MHB Are These Statements Equivalent to the Negation of a Bounded Sequence?

    So you claim that (b) and (d) are equivalent to $ notA $ and (a) and (c) are not, don't you?
  6. M

    MHB Are These Statements Equivalent to the Negation of a Bounded Sequence?

    Let $A$ be the statement 'The sequence $(x_n)$ is bounded'. Use your mathematical intuition to decide which of the following statements are equivalent to $notA$. You don't need to give a justification. (a) There exists $C > 0$ such that $\left| x_n \right| > C$ for some $n \in \Bbb{N}$. (b) For...
  7. M

    MHB Proof of Sets: Proving (i) and (ii)

    If $X$ is a set, then the power set $P(X)$ of a set is the set of all subsets of $X$. I need to decide whether the following statements are true or false and prove it: (i) If $Z = X \cup Y$ , then $P(Z) = P(X) \cup P(Y)$. (ii) If $Z = X \cap Y$ , then $P(Z) = P(X) \cap P(Y)$. By examples I...
  8. M

    MHB Integral of sec(x): Solving with Substitution

    I appreciate that but I didn't ask for that...
  9. M

    MHB Integral of sec(x): Solving with Substitution

    Hello! I need to compute the following integral: $ \int \sec\left({x}\right) \; dx $ using the substitution $ t=\tan\left({\frac{x}{2}}\right) $ what I did. HOWEVER, they ask to compute the same integral knowing that $ \int \csc\left({x}\right) \; dx =...
  10. M

    MHB Binomial Expansion - Fractional Powers

    Hello! We know from 'Binomial Expansion' that (1+x)^n=1+nx+\frac{n(n-1)}{2!}x^2+... for \left| x \right|<1 . Why doesn't it work for other values of x? I can't understand this condition. I would be really grateful for clear explanation!
  11. M

    MHB Solve for frequency & angle in dispersion equation

    W and c are constant, am I right? And it should look like $x = \frac{\sin[ \frac{\pi \cdot f \cdot W}{c}\ \cdot \;\sin(\theta) ] }{ \frac{\pi \cdot f \cdot W}{c}\ \cdot \;\sin(\theta)}$ ?
  12. M

    MHB Inscribed circle in the triangle

    In the triangle a point I is a centre of inscribed circle. A line AI meets a segment BC in a point D. A bisector of AD meets lines BI and CI respectively in a points P and Q. Prove that heights of triangle PQD meet in the point I. I've tried to show that sides of triangle PQD are parallel to...
  13. M

    MHB Solve System of n Equations: Can You Help?

    Solve the system of n equations with unknown x_1, x_2, ... , x_n, for n\ge 2: 2x_1^3 + 4 =x_1^2 (x_2 +3) 2x_2^3 + 4 =x_2^2 (x_3 +3) ...... 2xn-13+ 4 = xn-12(x_n +3) 2x_n^3 + 4 =x_n^2 (x_1 +3) Can you help me?
  14. M

    MHB Prove Triangle BAD = CEA: Tips & Maths Class Help

    Proof: the line $AB$ is tangent to the circle through $A$, $C$ and $D$ Knowing that BD=AC, AD=AE and AB^2=AC\cdot BC, we get \frac{AB}{AC}=\frac{BC}{AB} and then \frac{AB}{BD}=\frac{BC}{AB}. Thus, the triangles ABD and CBA are similar. So \sphericalangle BDA=\sphericalangle CAB and...
  15. M

    MHB Math Game HELP: Solve Hard Task with Invariants

    Yes, I found it but there is one extra variation. You can choose either 3n+1 or 3n-1. Doesn't it have an influence on the result?