Recent content by MathExplorer

  1. M

    I just have a couple questions about parts on an F-16

    Hello I am just curious about something. In the image above, the spike shaped thing at #1, and the long thing at #2, what are those and what are their purposes? Since I don't know what they're called I can't google them lol. My current guess is that #2 is a mount for missiles, and #1 has...
  2. M

    What are these loops on this jet's wing?

    cool, thanks all for the answers! :)
  3. M

    What are these loops on this jet's wing?

    I was watching a video about a herpetologist's trip to Thailand to study monitor lizards and there was a short part of the youtube video showing a part of the wing of an aircraft this guy was riding in. It's obvious it was a jet plane, but there was these weird loops that appear to be welded to...
  4. M

    Studying I have some epic math goals and creating a study plan

    Just to confirm something I read either in this thread or heard in other places I've asked the above questions, am I correct to assume that I'll learn "differential equations" when I'm going through the process of learning Pre-Calculus, Calculus 1,2,3 and 4?
  5. M

    Algebra What's a good first textbook on Quaternions?

    Thanks to another thread I created, I already know what pre-requisite math subjects to study, and in what order to study them, before I'm ready to start studying Quaternions. I'm just very curious about what specific textbook, would you folks on this forum recommend that I get to study...
  6. M

    Algebra Looking for my first textbook on Linear Algebra Need suggestions

    cool, thanks! Well I just bought that textbook on amazon! It should be showing up in the mail tomorrow.
  7. M

    Algebra Looking for my first textbook on Linear Algebra Need suggestions

    Awesome, thanks! I found it on amazon for as cheap as 13.19 brand new. This is what you're talking about, right?:
  8. M

    Algebra Looking for my first textbook on Linear Algebra Need suggestions

    no I am completely knew to linear algebra, accept for what i learned in the textbook i recently finished, in which i have pics attached to my post above. ill look up the two thing you mentioned though. u wouldn't happen to have an isbn number for the book you mentioned, do you?
  9. M

    Studying I have some epic math goals and creating a study plan

    oh ok. Based on what you said, then I should plan on heavily studying calculus as well. The point of all these math goals of mine are: 1. Develop the mathematical abilities needed to fully study General Relativity. When I talked to Dr. Miguel Alcubierre, he made it very clear that I need to...
  10. M

    Studying I have some epic math goals and creating a study plan

    Awesome! Thank you sooo much! It's been a real pain in the neck trying to find the answers to my questions. You know how the internet can be sometimes. Sometimes the internet will provide everything accept for what you're looking for, rofl. After writing down a whole page of notes from what I...
  11. M

    Algebra Looking for my first textbook on Linear Algebra Need suggestions

    First of all, I attached pictures of the very last algebra textbook that I have finished studying. I'm going the self taught route. I really loved this book because it had lots of examples, practice exercises, quizzes and even tests! It also had answers in the back. It's currently my favorite...
  12. M

    Studying I have some epic math goals and creating a study plan

    Summary:: Trying to become a warp drive pioneer. Yes, you read that right, lol. Hello I’m a math student, and need advice on what pre-requisite math subjects I need to study AND in what order I need to study them in order to achieve my short term math goals. I’m also looking for the...