Recent content by Martin Zhao

  1. M

    Solving Log10(x)^log10(log10X)=10000

    We need to solve for x. all the x are the same thing.
  2. M

    Solving Log10(x)^log10(log10X)=10000

    Who may help me with this question? Thanks. Log10(x)^log10(log10X)=10000
  3. M

    Problem of solving the cubic function

    Guys, I may need your help. There is a question saying that how to solve the cubic function in general form, which means that y=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d. How do you guys solve for x? To be honest, I have no idea of this question. Probably, it uses the same way as the quartic function. Thanks!
  4. M

    Get Ready for the Waterloo Math Contest!

    Guys, waterloo contest is coming in next week, do you guys prepare for it?
  5. M

    Cheap Software/Tools for Plotting Cartesian Graphs

    Geogebra You should go on google and search for Geogebra. It is free, but you need to have jave on your computer, so that you can use Geogebra smoothly.
  6. M

    Mastering Quartic & Quintic Graphing w/o a Calculator for Pre-Calc 12

    For the senior high students, do you suggest them getting a graphing calculator in class?
  7. M

    Mastering Quartic & Quintic Graphing w/o a Calculator for Pre-Calc 12

    For pre-calculus 12, is there a need for students to master the ability of graphing quartic or quintic functions without using graphing calculator?
  8. M

    Understanding Factoring a Quadratic Equation: Common Mistakes and Solutions

    You need to multiply by 2, because when you were factoring, your formula was divided by 2.