Recent content by marraneth

  1. M

    LaTeX Creating a List of Figures in LaTeX: Solving the Referencing Problem

    There would be no problem ordinarily, but the references appear in the text also, and not in the same order as the figures appear. So perhaps an example would be something like: \documentclass[article]{memoir} \begin{document} \listoffigures*\newpage Blah blah blah \cite{citation-two}...
  2. M

    LaTeX Creating a List of Figures in LaTeX: Solving the Referencing Problem

    Thanks for the help, I had hoped there was some way to do it automatically, rather than just typing it out. I'm sure LaTeX must be capable of doing it somehow, I had thought maybe something using \protect. Oh well, I'll just have to admit defeat I guess.
  3. M

    LaTeX Creating a List of Figures in LaTeX: Solving the Referencing Problem

    I'm creating a large document in LaTeX, with several figures. Some of these figures have citations within the captions, which is causing problems since I am creating a list of figures, with captions, at the start of the document. A figure that appears midway through has a reference that should...