Recent content by marnold1987

  1. M

    Inclined plane and kinetic energy

    if a block of mass m is to slide up an inclined plane to at least a height of h (with no friction), what is the minimum kinetic energy it must have? no numbers are included...just supposed to know an equation to get the answer.
  2. M

    Rotating Record Frequency Calculation

    oh thanks I finally figured it out with that help
  3. M

    Rotating Record Frequency Calculation

    I don't know where to even start on this
  4. M

    Rotating Record Frequency Calculation

    A vinyl record is played by rotating the record so that an approximately circular groove in the vinyl slides under a stylus. Bumps in the groove run into the stylus, causing it to oscillate. The equipment converts those oscillations to electrical signals and then to sound. Suppose that a record...