Recent content by marlowgs

  1. M

    B Is wave particle duality really wrong?

    If you look at the special relativity equation for total energy you see that it has a velocity of the speed of light. For an observer in an orthogonal rest frame to that perspective it looks entirely like a wave of light and would diffract and interfere just like light. In our reference frame we...
  2. M

    B Gravity Effects on EM Wave Phase Change

    I guess I’m making the assumption that if I see something moving slower than c then it must be carrying some rest mass. The only way I know how is to shift the phase. But you are saying that it is just my ruler and clock that make the light appear like it is moving slower – it is still light so...
  3. M

    B Gravity Effects on EM Wave Phase Change

    I’ve just been reading that an observer that is far from the gravitational mass does see the speed of light slow down as the light passes close by the gravitational mass. Wouldn’t that also mean that he sees a phase shift between electric and magnetic waves? An observer close to the...
  4. M

    B Gravity Effects on EM Wave Phase Change

    Has any experiment been done to measure the phase of electric and magnetic waves as light passes by a gravitational mass? I'm thinking that a path bent by gravity represents stored energy and a phase shift is how energy is stored in a dielectric (which also bends light).
  5. M

    B Gravity Effects on EM Wave Phase Change

    Does the phase between electric and magnetic waves of light change if the path is bent by gravity?
  6. M

    How electric circuits really work

    There is a chemical reaction in the battery that wants to take place but it needs the electrons from the other electrode to complete it. If you provide a path that the electrons can flow through (a conductor) the chemical reaction will complete. The voltage drop is the amount of energy (joules)...
  7. M

    Creating Mass w/ Velocity: Effects on EM Wave?

    In pair-production, a light wave (in-phase E&M) comes close to a heavy particle and turns into two masses with momentum, but the light wave needs to have a minimum energy to produce the particles. I’m wondering what happens if less than the minimum is there. Do the electric and magnetic fields...
  8. M

    Creating Mass w/ Velocity: Effects on EM Wave?

    If I create an electromagnetic wave with electric and magnetic fields partially out of phase, would it behave the same as a mass with velocity less than the speed of light?
  9. M

    Age of universe -- Probability why it is so young?

    It could be that our universe is just one cycle in an infinity of cycles and we are somewhere in the middle of one cycle.
  10. M

    Relativity: Energy in AC Circuits & Mass Momentum

    It doesn't increase the relativistic effect - just makes it more apparent. The relativistic effect is very small at low velocities (and ignored) but it still exists.
  11. M

    Relativity: Energy in AC Circuits & Mass Momentum

    My mistake - electron velocity is very slow. But the great number of electrons makes the relativistic effect more apparent.
  12. M

    Relativity: Energy in AC Circuits & Mass Momentum

    A changing electric or magnetic field in LRC components comes down to relative movement of electrons in the components. The relativistic effect is more apparent because of the great number of electrons and their high velocity in the components.
  13. M

    Relativity: Energy in AC Circuits & Mass Momentum

    I’m reaching this conclusion because that the magnetic field is the relativistic effect of a changing electric field and visa versa. The phase of electric and magnetic fields in pure momentum energy (photons) is in-phase as it is for the resistor. The energy is radiated away from the resistor...
  14. M

    Relativity: Energy in AC Circuits & Mass Momentum

    Is it correct to say that the energy in resistance and reactance components of a LR or RC series A.C. circuit are the same thing as the momentum energy and rest energy of a moving mass in special relativity?
  15. M

    Could the Universe Be Expanding as Wave Fronts?

    Could the universe be expanding wave fronts and the fundamental particles of matter be the particle manifestation of the waves? The wave front surface being the 3 dimensions of space and the radius of the front being the time dimension - similar to a wave front of light but one extra dimension...