Recent content by markiv

  1. M

    What exactly do I talk about in my personal statement?

    Hi guys, I'm working on my personal statement. I'm a math and cs major, and I'm going to apply to grad schools apply in theoretical computer science. I'm trying to figure out how I should format my statement, what I should talk about, etc. I don't want to make it sound like everyone else's...
  2. M

    Uniform Convergence of Power Series

    Thank you. This makes a lot of sense.
  3. M

    Uniform Convergence of Power Series

    Given a power series \sum a_n x^n with radius of convergence R, it seems that the series converges uniformly on any compact set contained in the disc of radius R. This might be a silly question, but what's an example of a power series that doesn't actually also converge uniformly on the whole...
  4. M

    Infinitely Presented, Finitely Generated Group

    What's an example of a group that has finitely many generators, but cannot be presented using only finitely many relations? Are there any nice groups? They do exist, right?
  5. M

    Schools Graduate school visits, before applying

    Okay thanks. I was thinking of establishing contact with particular faculty beforehand to see if they were willing to talk to me, and then I would make a visit.
  6. M

    Schools Graduate school visits, before applying

    Hey guys. I'll be applying to graduate schools for the term of Fall 2013. I'm really interested in actually visiting some of the schools I'm applying to and meeting some of the faculty, before I actually send in my application. Do graduate programs generally allow this? Are visitations before...
  7. M

    General question about crossover operator for a genetic algorithm

    Thanks for the feedback. The final program will likely be written in C, but I may write it in Python first for proof of concept. If you do have code though, I'd like to look at it. Thanks a lot for the references, they look very good. After browsing around the internet about GA, though...
  8. M

    General question about crossover operator for a genetic algorithm

    Hey guys, this is my first time working on a genetic algorithm. It seems to me that the algorithm is primarily defined by how you choose to define your crossover operator and fitness function. Let's say the crossover takes two parents and produces one child. Is it necessary/good/bad/etc that the...
  9. M

    Finite axiomatizability of a Theory

    Specifically, I was referring to 34 part b. on the below problem set. T_\infty = \{ \exists x_1 \ldots \exists x_n \bigwedge _{1 \le i < j \le n} (x_i \ne x_j) \} _{n \in \mathbb{N}} seemed to be axiomatizing infinite sets (it defines infinitely many distinct elements), but I might be wrong. In...
  10. M

    Finite axiomatizability of a Theory

    It means that there is no finite axiomatization of that theory. In general, if T is an L-theory, then T' is an axiomatization of T if T and T' prove the same L-sentences. T is finitely axiomatizable if there's a T' that is finite. For example, the theory of infinite sets is not finitely...
  11. M

    Schools Graduate School for Mathematics or Computer Science?

    Hey guys, so here's the deal. I'm a Math and Computer Science major, about to enter my senior year. I'm pretty sure I want to go to grad school and I just started looking for schools I might want to apply to. The thing is, I'm not completely sure if I'd like to pursue a PhD in mathematics or...
  12. M

    Math REUs 2012: When Can We Expect Decisions?

    Yes, I did. Thank you. Actually, I just heard from them today.
  13. M

    Math REUs 2012: When Can We Expect Decisions?

    Ah, finally someone made this thread. Does anyone known whether DIMACS has announced anything yet?
  14. M

    Exploring REU Opportunities: Join the Discussion

    Jeez. This is my first time applying to REUs, and I am disappoint with the process. It seems so unorganized. I wish they could just let you know on a specific date as to whether you're in or not.