Recent content by Markd

  1. M

    Solving Sound-Related Questions: Find the Answers!

    Great thanks! It was the "node" part of the question that confused me =/
  2. M

    Solving Sound-Related Questions: Find the Answers!

    Hi, I am having problems with 2 sound related questions 1) While diving you make a loud clank with your oxygen tanks on a rock, how far away are you from the nearest underwater reflecting surface if the sound returns to you in 3.00s (assume the speed of sound in water to be 1440m/s)...
  3. M

    Why Does Graphing and Completing the Square Give Different Maximum Heights?

    I don't think this is corrent... Question By completiing the square determine the maximum height of the ball and how long it takes to reach the maximum height h=-5t^2+30t+1.5 Work: =t^2-6t+1.5/5 (t^2-6t+9)1.5/-5 + 9 (t-3)^2+43.5/5 That would mean the time of the ball to get to the...
  4. M

    Trignometric Identities Problem

    Alright so _1__ - tanx sinx = cosx cosx _1__ - sinx sinx = cosx cosx cosx _1__ - sinx cosx cosx Or is it cosx-cosxsinx * sinx ` 1```` 1 ```````1
  5. M

    Trignometric Identities Problem

    A little confused on how to begin the problem _1__ - tanx sinx = cosx cosx I know you change tanx to sinx/cosx but I can't seem to finish the problem, not sure if it is arithmatic errors or what?
  6. M

    Basic Question About A Cart Hitting another Cart

    Ok sort of understand what you guys mean So if I had a 1m long ramp and its was 15cm off the ground and car1 weighed 600g and car2 weighed 700grams and it is asking for "If car1 started at the top of the ramp and then hit car2 which is at the bottom of the ramp, how far will car2 travel until...
  7. M

    Basic Question About A Cart Hitting another Cart

    Hi, I am wondering if one cart is rolling down a ramp and there is another cart at the bottom. What wil happen to the bottom cart as far as energy goes(law of conservation of energy)? If I had the car at the top's velocity, displacement, etc how would I go about calculating how the far the...
  8. M

    Not sure how to approach problem

    Thankyou so much for your help everyone!
  9. M

    Not sure how to approach problem

    OK I have received the answer but I am still don't understand the problem ``````````__ ___ Answer: -(\/2 + \/3 ) ````````` __________ `````````````2 Please Help! by the way the teacher said you use the trignometric circle
  10. M

    Not sure how to approach problem

    Hi, During a review this question has popped up (not sure what unit) "Determine the exact value* ````5pi``````11pi sin ___ - cos ___ ````4`````` 6 I am not sure what to do with the sin and cos? Thanks
  11. M

    Trigonometric Functions - Confusing question

    I think your right Jameson, the period is 2pi a value is 1 c value is 2 no phase shift I think I am going to write it in the form y=asin(x-d)+c so would I write, sin2pi(x)+2 or sinx+2? or does it matter? btw, I did copy it correctly cdhotfire
  12. M

    Trigonometric Functions - Confusing question

    What equation in the form y=sin(theta)+c best models the dtat in the chart below... ____________________________________ (theta)radians : 1 : pi/2 : pi : 3pi/2 : 2pi ______________________________________ y-------------: 2 :--3--:-2-:-1----:--2 __________________________________ I am...