Recent content by Marjan

  1. M

    Black Hole Size: Calculating the Actual Size

    Yes, but is BH modeled entirely by the GR enough to describe real BH? I know that SM isn't at all. We wouldn't need QG if GR would be enough! --- Surf the web faster.
  2. M

    Black Hole Size: Calculating the Actual Size

    That is classical mistake people make. BH has surface, ofcourse the problem can not be solved in SM. You need more fancy tools like quantum information theory! --- Surf the web faster.
  3. M

    Exploring Fields: Electromagnetic, Strong, Weak, Gravitational & Higgs

    Someone agrees with that? Is it too far? Maybe too clumsy written? :-p
  4. M

    Exploring Fields: Electromagnetic, Strong, Weak, Gravitational & Higgs

    Fields (all of them:) (1) Electromagnetic - photons (2) Strong - gluons (3) Weak - weak bosons (4) Gravitational - gravitons (5) Higgs - higgs bosons We have unification under SM, called QFT. But how far that unification really goes?! Is it "only" a mathematical form of calculating all...
  5. M

    What is the Significance of Photon Spin?

    As i understand spin of a photon can be -1 or +1. In a classical view we can say that one is spinning right and other to the left ? What would be the difference between light with all photons -1 and light with all photons 1 ? PS: Can be spin of a photon also 0 ?
  6. M

    Interacting virtual particles?

    Do I have a point or am I just going crazy? :surprise:
  7. M

    Interacting virtual particles?

    Entropy, did you have something like that in mind: ]Field Relativity.[/URL] I draw that picture, it is little funny, but try to understand what i am trying to say :bugeye: It is up to observer if he will measure field or energy (-> also mass)!
  8. M

    Interacting virtual particles?

    Holy s*it, you are right. I think I just bumped into Quantum Physics / General Relativity problem. One or the other, but not both together! Two points: (1) Magnetic field is born just for observer who is in relative motion according to electric charge. So magnetic field is just a side...
  9. M

    Interacting virtual particles?

    Ok, like vanesch said - one step back! Magnetic momentum of single fundamental (lets take electron) particle is pm = g*e*(1/2 hbar)/(2*m), where g is approx. 2. Electric dipole(!) momentum of electron and positron is pe = e*l, where l is distance between them. And pe is oriented opposite...
  10. M

    Interacting virtual particles?

    static fields - quantum picture I am trying to understand quantum field theory & QED but i am having problems, because i don't find specific answer: What is the real quantum difference between electric and magnetic field? Maybe in spin of virtual photons (1, 0, -1)? But then what is...
  11. M

    Fields of One Fermion: Spin, Charge & Mass

    I think it's very interesting subject, becouse here we come to fundamental source of magnetic and electric field... :rolleyes:
  12. M

    Quantum numbers of fundamental particles?

    Very usefull links. I think it would be nice if even more physics informations would be avalible in free WikiPedia. It is great. Now I can see more clearly on quantum nubers. I suppose that antiparticles have ALL quantum nubers just opposite than their particles. Right? I also found...
  13. M

    Fields of One Fermion: Spin, Charge & Mass

    Haelfix, congrats for 100 post on PF :) I agree with you. Well I say that virtual photons are the same as real, they just exist so short time that it is not possible to meassure them. Is this the same as your state "they live off mass shell" ? Well I tried to understand my first post...
  14. M

    Quantum numbers of fundamental particles?

    Hi back to you Tom and thank you for answer, very clearly. I like your page PF (and P in general ;) So, mass isn't quantum number! I guess becouse it is "only" interaction with Higgs boson. Can it really be calculated precisely? For most q. numbers I found values on the web. But I have...
  15. M

    Quantum numbers of fundamental particles?

    Which are (basic?) quantum nubers of fundamental particles? I am having problems becouse a lot of expresions are used on sites on the web: el. charge, color charge, mass, taste, spin, barion & lepton number... to many :eek: :confused: