Recent content by maris205

  1. M

    The temperature is also quantized?

    We know the average energy of particle could be described by temperature. E=k*T. The energy is quantized. Its unit is E=h*v. So the temperature is also quantized? What’s its unit? Get it by equation k*T=h*v? If select v=4080MHz, T=0.1959k, seems too large:confused:
  2. M

    Will cosmic microwave background disappear?

    According to the standard cosmological model, the description for cosmic temperature falls is:T=A*t^-0.5. So when t-->infinite, T-->0. It means the temperature of microwave background will approach 0k after billions of years. Microwave background will disappear?:confused:
  3. M

    Any conclusions about the gaps between p and p^2?

    In sieve method, we could get the prime numbers between p and p^2 applying the primes less than prime number p. Is there any conclusion about the gap of these primes? Some conjectures show the upper bound of primes gaps before p is g(p)< ln(p)^2 or g(p)<p^(1/2) (If RH is true). But here...