Recent content by Marcus27

  1. M

    Solving an equation, I have an incorrect solution

    Yeah I realized after I posted, I edited my post so I did not to confuse anybody, I still have lots of mathematics to learn myself but I thought I could help this guy but made a mistake myself o:)
  2. M

    Solving an equation, I have an incorrect solution

    There are sometimes roots which do not satisfy the original equation these are called 'extraneous solutions'. Khan academy has videos explaining this far better than I ever could. Edit: I read equation wrong :(
  3. M

    Understanding Trigonometric Identities: Solving for -1

    Homework Statement Show that (sin^4 x + (sin^2 x * cos^2 x)) / (cos^2 x - 1) == -1 Homework Equations Sin^2 x + cos^2 x == 1 The Attempt at a Solution (sin ^4 x + (sin^2 x * cos^2 x)) / (cos^2 x - 1) = ((sin^2 x)(sin^2 x) + (sin^2 x * cos^2 x)) / (cos^2 x - 1) =((sin^2 x)(1 - cos^2 x) +...
  4. M

    Other Great Physics Book for All Ages - Learn History, Facts & More

    I'm reading Hyperspace by Michio Kaku at the moment, I would highly recommend it.
  5. M

    Having difficulty with concept of turning points

    Oh, I think I understand now the derivative of distance as a function of time = instantaneous speed, for some reason I was treating it as constant speed. So, if a car starts of at -10m/s and accelerates at 5m/s^2 then at time = 2 seconds it's speed is equal to zero while it maintains an...
  6. M

    Having difficulty with concept of turning points

    Newton's laws state an object will remain at rest or in motion until an unbalanced force acts upon it, so does the acceleration not effect the motion of the car and therefore its speed?.
  7. M

    Having difficulty with concept of turning points

    Homework Statement I understand how to solve for stationary points, and then take the second derivative and input the values of x to determine the nature of the stationary points, if x > 0 then the stationary point is a minimum and if x < 0 then the stationary point is a maximum. What I am...
  8. M

    What is the cause of an increase in volume (audio)

    This is just a question I posed to myself while learning about waves, I was wondering how the volume of an audible noise is increased or decreased, is it related to the compression of the wave and therefore the force generating it? If somebody could explain this in mathematical terms or provide...
  9. M

    Calculate Tension in Rope: Principle of Moments Homework

    Ah, thank you. I did not spot that mistake, sorry for wasting your time. Not a great first post on my part o:)
  10. M

    Calculate Tension in Rope: Principle of Moments Homework

    Homework Statement Calculate the tension in the rope, T, in the diagram below: Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The 'beam' is a stable structure, thus the resultant forces be equal that are acting upon the beam. So, I calculated the...