Recent content by Marc76Law

  1. M

    Is energy conserved in general relativity?

    Now I'm starting to understand you're explanation with the example you gave of different versions of me. However, how does this explanation not violate the law of the conservation of matter. If matter can neither be created nor destroyed, where does the matter or mass come from to create...
  2. M

    Is energy conserved in general relativity?

    Thanks for the correction with respect to rotation versus revolution. I feel stupid making such a basic error. Nothing "becomes younger" by traveling through a wormhole, your proper time (time as measured by your own clock) continues to tick forward before, during and after going through the...
  3. M

    Time dilation and space travel

    I'm asking about time-dilation issue. I don't understand how you came up with the different ages of the universe for the alien planet versus Earth. How can the age of the universe be different depending upon what part of the universe one is in. When I read that the universe is calculated to...
  4. M

    Is energy conserved in general relativity?

    I've been reading about the possibility of time travel by accelerating one end of the wormhole and then returning it to its original position giving you a wormhole with an entrance in the present and exit in the past. If time travel using wormholes as described above is possible, can anyone...
  5. M

    Time dilation and space travel

    Yes, that's exactly right.
  6. M

    Time dilation and space travel

    Assume they didn't leave 1 billion years agoo or assume the distance is 7 billion light years. Assuming a trip began in the past avoids the main issues in my quetstion.
  7. M

    Time dilation and space travel

    I read that the Sun will become a red giant and destroy the Earth in about 5 billion years. If this is correct, is there any possible way that a vastly advanced alien civilization that exists in a galaxy 6 billion lights year away could ever reach the Earth and make contact with human...