Recent content by mango99

  1. mango99

    Vapor pressure of water between two heated plates on a press

    Two plates are heated at 220 F and pressed together at 100 psi. This creates a different environment between the two plates than if the plates were heated at 220 F and pressed together at 10 psi, correct?
  2. mango99

    Vapor pressure of water between two heated plates on a press

    It makes very much sense that you way water is nearly incompressible, because I do notice that the vast majority of the water simply runs out, but it seems there is some that is trapped between the plates that evacuates as steam and reaches very much higher temps than what the plates are set at...
  3. mango99

    Vapor pressure of water between two heated plates on a press

    My understanding is it should be in vapor at that point, that as temp rises, so does the vapor pressure of the steam escaping. My understanding is also that something pressed with great force between two plates will result in an increase of temperature. Trying to reconcile these two...
  4. mango99

    Vapor pressure of water between two heated plates on a press

    Hi, I'm trying to do some figuring on vapor pressures. If one were to take two plates heated to 220F and press water between them in a press that exerts 100psi, what would the resulting vapor pressure of the water be? Now, what temperature would you heat the plates to if you were using a press...
  5. mango99

    What is the Purpose of Online Forums?

    Just dropping into try out a new kind of forum. I don't have any degree or anything, just an inquisitive mind and some reasoning capability. Thanks for being here :-)