Recent content by Manel

  1. Manel

    Why is the Constant in Mass-Energy Equivalence C^2?

    I will check the book for sure. Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate that.
  2. Manel

    Pi 0 Decay: Chances of e+ e- Gamma vs e+ e-

    Any resource detailing that ? So grateful
  3. Manel

    Why is the Constant in Mass-Energy Equivalence C^2?

    Do you have any resources that detail this? Also i don't get the relation beween the choice of C and the movement in a staight line? Very grateful for your answer.
  4. Manel

    Pi 0 Decay: Chances of e+ e- Gamma vs e+ e-

    I didn't understand what you mean here. Would you please clarify. Thanks a lot
  5. Manel

    Pi 0 Decay: Chances of e+ e- Gamma vs e+ e-

    Hello everyone, I found in the PDG booklet that pi 0 decay into e+ e- gamma is more likely to happen than to e+ e- only there a reason that favorises the first decay?
  6. Manel

    Why is the Constant in Mass-Energy Equivalence C^2?

    Hello everyone, How does Einstein established the equivalence between mass and energy, or in other words what is the fact that proves this.And why the constant is not just C but C square. Why C anyway ??
  7. Manel

    Alpha Particle Kinetic Energy: Explained

    ok, i get that, so if we say: the energy outside is equal to T+V (taking V positive) we will get an energy for the alpha particle greater than the potential other words V is negative?
  8. Manel

    Alpha Particle Kinetic Energy: Explained

    so it's not V-T (because i couldn't get why) but if it's V+T i accept it, i thought that the particle can get out even if it has an energy lower than the potential well because of tunneling effect! according to what you said it must have an energy greater or equal to it! is that right?
  9. Manel

    Alpha Particle Kinetic Energy: Explained

    the depth is postive,the problem is that i don't get why? i found V-T?
  10. Manel

    Alpha Particle Kinetic Energy: Explained

    i'm struggling to understand this: an alpha particle is emitted with a kenetic energy T, if we know the value of the depth of the nuclear potential well V, we find the kenetic energy of the alpha particle inside the nuclei by substructing V-T , would you please explain this to me? Thank's
  11. Manel

    Probabilities of Getting 50 Tails in 100 Coin Tosses Using Binomial Distribution

    So the corrected stirling is the most accurate formula to use if we want better precision?
  12. Manel

    Probabilities of Getting 50 Tails in 100 Coin Tosses Using Binomial Distribution

    Just a question, How can we know that we should get to next term of the approximation ( without calculating and finding a wrong result)?
  13. Manel

    Probabilities of Getting 50 Tails in 100 Coin Tosses Using Binomial Distribution

    oh yes yes that's ok i found P=0.08 ...that was Log P which is negative sorry ...Thank you
  14. Manel

    Probabilities of Getting 50 Tails in 100 Coin Tosses Using Binomial Distribution

    I used the next term too and i got a negative result ! I got 1/2 Log2 - 1/2 Log 100π !