Recent content by maltmana

  1. maltmana

    I Planetary Orbits: Force needed for circular orbit

    It works perfectly by setting the velocity thanks. Mass, force, velocity and all the basics are all built in. I didn't have to program the way force affects mass to create velocity from scratch and I don't know exactly how a "unit" of force affects a "unit" of mass in this engine (I should find...
  2. maltmana

    I Planetary Orbits: Force needed for circular orbit

    I apologize. I just realize that I've been confusing force and velocity all along. In my simulation in Unity, I am adding force in order to create the initial velocity. I totally forgot this until you just mentioned it now! So to get a circular orbit, I have to multiply the √(GM/r) by 50 and...
  3. maltmana

    I Planetary Orbits: Force needed for circular orbit

    No, the planet just falls into the sun because it needs 50 * the force. As far as I can tell everything is working realistically besides that.
  4. maltmana

    I Planetary Orbits: Force needed for circular orbit

    Hey Drakkith, What you gave me ended up working fantastically. I feel a bit silly for not realizing earlier that I was adding in the extra mass term. I was beginning to think the universe was wrong, but it turns out it was just my mistake! Strangely, I had to multiply the whole thing by 50 in...
  5. maltmana

    What are some resources for learning about orbital mechanics and perturbations?

    Hi maltmana here, I'm just a good old boy from the Central Valley in California. I've never been very good with physics or math but I really enjoy orbits and space and I want to learn more about them. I'm working on a orbital simulation and I keep running into all sorts of difficulties so I...
  6. maltmana

    I Planetary Orbits: Force needed for circular orbit

    Hi! first time poster here. I'm making an orbital simulation and I am having a problem with one minor detail. The gravity is working great, and I've programmed it using this formula: A force vector is applied = DirectionOfCentralBodyNormalized * ((GravConstant * centralbodymass *...