Recent content by Mallignamius

  1. Mallignamius

    Sanitizing Carpets: Tips for Removing Foot and Nail Fungus

    Okay, borax it is. And thank you very much. I prefer my feet clean and healthy. :smile:
  2. Mallignamius

    Sanitizing Carpets: Tips for Removing Foot and Nail Fungus

    Ah ha! That's right. There's one right here in town. Thanks!
  3. Mallignamius

    Has Morgan Spurlock Found Osama Bin Laden?

    Eh, sorry. That was actually Mohammed.
  4. Mallignamius

    Omaha Shootings: Selfish Act of a Bastard

    If these guys don't have their guns, they'll find, make, or use something else. Homemade pipe bombs are easy, for example. So I doubt taking guns away will make any difference at all.
  5. Mallignamius

    Sanitizing Carpets: Tips for Removing Foot and Nail Fungus

    I'm moving into a new apartment, closer to work and school. Judging by what was left behind, the previous tenant may have had a foot fungus or nail fungus. What's a good, cheap way to sanitize the carpet?
  6. Mallignamius

    Essay Critique Needed for Law School Admission

    Change the last line to: "I have never been more confident in my abilities; I will succeed."
  7. Mallignamius

    Popocatepetl volcano gets frisky

    I think Astronuc is already there. You can barely make him out near the top.
  8. Mallignamius

    Can We Use 100% Of Our Brain? Facts About the 10% Myth

    Here's a pretty thorough discussion about it: and and
  9. Mallignamius

    Schools I'm confused about college degrees and majors.

    My heart is with physics, but I know that a Liberal Arts education is a better fit. The thing is, as I read through the literature and programs, I have become confused:" I'm interested in a liberal arts degree. I see these majors but I don't see...
  10. Mallignamius

    Outrageous Injustice: Saudi Woman Sentenced to Jail, Lashes

    Their example isn't exactly the best one to learn from. But this is merely an example you've given. You're not really arguing against my point: It's beneficial to judge another culture.
  11. Mallignamius

    Outrageous Injustice: Saudi Woman Sentenced to Jail, Lashes

    I certainly hope they do. And they do. But how would improvement eventually come forth if we (and they) just ignored what they see as atrocities? To not even look at each other and not examine how the other does things can't lead to much progress. :-p sorry, just saw this after posting my...
  12. Mallignamius

    Outrageous Injustice: Saudi Woman Sentenced to Jail, Lashes

    But they're still judging things, interpreting results, gauging successes. I mean, he's called a "judge." And he's determining in his best judgment whether something is true. I don't see a difference.
  13. Mallignamius

    Outrageous Injustice: Saudi Woman Sentenced to Jail, Lashes

    No, I don't. Now, I'm not suggesting an active intervention. But what's wrong with looking at another culture and saying, "that's just wrong"? Do we not need to examine how other peoples conduct themselves and compare results? It seems to me that judging another legal system is a reasonable...
  14. Mallignamius

    Outrageous Injustice: Saudi Woman Sentenced to Jail, Lashes

    Yeah, so? What I don't understand is what you're getting at by this.