Recent content by Maliphus

  1. M

    Pairing gap equation weak coupling

    In the limit of weak coupling, G\overline{ρ}<<1, the BCS pairing gap equation gives that Δ \propto exp(-1/G\overline{ρ}). \overline{ρ} is the level density.This cannot be developed as a power series in the interaction strength G. Does this imply that there is a phase transition between a...
  2. M

    Physics B.S. in Physics, Needing Career Change

    How are you programming skills? A science related software job could be a good option. There may also be positions in industry for educational consultants. I have a friend with a degree in molecular biology who works for an it company. You could also look into actuarial science.
  3. M

    It's 830 AM where are all the grad students?

    You sound like an overachiever. Quit making the rest of us look bad.