Recent content by MajorComplex

  1. M

    Pain/Damage - If I dropped an ant

    I didn't ask for his ignorance; simply telling me where it should be would be more helpful than anything... That's why I put pain/damage... I'm just interested to find out how free fall effects different sized life forms when it hits a surface... Would it's difference in size/weight effect...
  2. M

    Pain/Damage - If I dropped an ant

    Say we had a six foot wall, I jumped off and measured the pain/damage received because of the fall, how would that differ to an ant if it was dropped from the same height? Because of it's size/weight difference...
  3. M

    Does space and matter co-exist?

    This is a weird question... Imagine we had a cubic mile of space. If we where to fill that space with matter, what would happen to the space we just filled? It would get warped and curved because of the mass, does that suggest that there is actually something there co-existing with the mass to...
  4. M

    Is Intelligent Life Out There in the Universe?

    Even us our selves are aliens... To an outside race we would be no different in their eyes then they would be to us. One thing I do think though is if they had the technology to get here, they'd also have the technology to obliterate us off the face of the planet. Slavery anyone?
  5. M

    Unification makes me wonder what things we would actually understand

    Ahh, I see. Wow, it's really hard knowing where to put stuff, kind of ironic in a way.
  6. M

    Exploring the Limits of Light: Theories on Gravity and Black Holes

    Ahh, so the light never actually leaves the black hole to hit my eyes? Makes perfect sense, thanks a lot, especially for your 3rd post... So I guess to my other question, is there another "barrier" beyond light? I mean, the conversion of mass to energy is squared by the speed of light, but...
  7. M

    Is Intelligent Life Out There in the Universe?

    I guess you'd have to take in account the question of, "how wide spread is life?" too. I mean, just because we won't be visited by, communicate with or even listen to inteligent life out there, still doesn't mean it won't exist. If all these theories on black holes and worm holes could be...
  8. M

    Exploring the Limits of Light: Theories on Gravity and Black Holes

    It would be hitting objects near the eye though wouldn't it?
  9. M

    Is Intelligent Life Out There in the Universe?

    I've asked this question to a lot of people and a good majority of them said no, aliens do not exist. I just don't understand their logic in thinking that. To me I think there's a 100% chance that inteligent life exists out there. Life on our planet isn't so special in my eyes, to me it seems...
  10. M

    God's Existence: Beyond Existing and Nonexisting?

    Personally I think god is a creation used to control population... I don't believe there is a god that made the universe in seven days. I do however believe in a higher life force.
  11. M

    Exploring the Limits of Light: Theories on Gravity and Black Holes

    Then why can't the light be seen? Wouldn't that suggest it would be invisible to the eye? To an outside observer? This is what confuses me...
  12. M

    Exploring the Limits of Light: Theories on Gravity and Black Holes

    So why are black holes black? Why can't we actually see the matter that's inside of them? Or photons for that matter...
  13. M

    Does wind affect how far sound can travel?

    With you just saying that, wouldn't there be reasons in both physical space and to the reciever? Setting aside what would happen to the sound as it travels through the wind, it would be more impared to the reciever as both the wind and sound would be making his ear drum vibrate. Edit...
  14. M

    Unification makes me wonder what things we would actually understand

    When I think about unification it makes me wonder what things we would actually answer because of it... Would unification be a law that covers all areas of the universe, inter-dimensional or not, even the unknown? It makes me think about a lot of the unknown that we simply have no answers to...