Recent content by Macy

  1. M

    Calculating Space-Time Coordinates for Derick's Drug Toss on Relativistic Train

    I am not sure if I used the right velocity for the Lorentz transformations? For all the transformations from the moving to the rest frame you would use the velocity of the train?
  2. M

    Calculating Space-Time Coordinates for Derick's Drug Toss on Relativistic Train

    For my answer I got (.0078, .004725, 0,0) as my time and position coordinates... Is this correct?
  3. M

    Calculating Space-Time Coordinates for Derick's Drug Toss on Relativistic Train

    Homework Statement Derick is fleeing from the cops on a car on a relativistic train. At xr= 0.0m and tr =0.000s the cops at rest see Derick leaving the back of the train and head towards the front of the train on his relativistic car. The cops see him arrive at the front at xr = 1.875*10^5m...
  4. M

    What are the speeds of P and M while riding Ents and playing catch with rings?

    I think I may have an answer but I do not know if it is correct. We know P's ball is moving at 2x, because it is twice the speed of M's ball in M's reference frame which is X. So since P and M are both moving with velocity V, I just shifted it so the system is not moving meaning the velocity...
  5. M

    What are the speeds of P and M while riding Ents and playing catch with rings?

    To clarify, Ans is supposed to be And, and the ball is moving 5 m/s faster relative to his speed relative to the Earth in his frame of reference.
  6. M

    What are the speeds of P and M while riding Ents and playing catch with rings?

    Shouldn't it be negative though, because the velocity of the ball is positive and we need to subtract it from 30? I am sorry the negative signs are a bit confusing in Galilean for me.. EDIT: I see my mistake
  7. M

    What are the speeds of P and M while riding Ents and playing catch with rings? Here is the diagram I drew and my work at the top of the page. Its not from a textbook. Also, I do think that you can solve for the velocities but I am stuck because I keep ending up with Just Vp and T. Thanks so much for your help TSny..!
  8. M

    What are the speeds of P and M while riding Ents and playing catch with rings?

    I don't think the angles have anything to do with it..? Attached is my work:
  9. M

    What are the speeds of P and M while riding Ents and playing catch with rings?

    Homework Statement P and M are each riding Ents while playing catch with two rings. P throws his gold ring with a speed relative himself that is twice the speed that M throws his silver ring relative to himself. P and M start off going with the same speed and direction, 30m apart with M in...