Recent content by Macrobe

  1. M

    Nature of spacetime and interest in the field

    I am not quite sure what field the study of spacetime and energy would apply, considering I'm looking at it from a very, very big-picture point of view. I have a few theories and have done some math in regard to these three fields, and some of my conclusions have been quite interesting. I desire...
  2. M

    Question about Inertia: Force to Overcome Mass of 1kg?

    Ah. Okay...not exactly what I was looking for, but what I was looking for was probably wrong ;) thanks.
  3. M

    Question about Inertia: Force to Overcome Mass of 1kg?

    I have a question regarding Inertia. Exactly how much force, in Newtons, is required to overcome the inertia of exactly one kilogram of mass? It seems to me there must be some sort of quantity for it.
  4. M

    Exploring the Origins of Spacetime: Einstein's Thinking

    I have done quite a bit of research regarding the subject of spacetime, but what I want to know is, what was the reasoning behind it? I understand the subject and agree with it, but I want to know how Einstein came about the idea.
  5. M

    Gravitational Lensing Q: Angle Deflection Sun/Earth?

    Oh...yeah...duh. If you'll pardon the colloquialism, I had a brain fart. My apologies.
  6. M

    Gravitational Lensing Q: Angle Deflection Sun/Earth?

    I can't find it on that, though it is an interesting read. Very informative.
  7. M

    Gravitational Lensing Q: Angle Deflection Sun/Earth?

    I have a simple question about gravitational lensing around our sun: is the angle of deflection 1.75" arcseconds the angle of deflection as the light goes past the sun, or the angle of deflection when it is received here on earth?
  8. M

    Can the Higgs Boson be accelerated to the speed of light?

    That is the equation I was using, but I now understand what's going on. Thank you for clearing this up; I appreciate it. :)
  9. M

    Can the Higgs Boson be accelerated to the speed of light?

    Ok, I'm glad we cleared that up. Keeping E constant was a mistake. But I have one last question that I have just thought of: Because I know that the value of E approaches infinity as c is approached, and now that I know that keeping E at a constant is the wrong thing to do: The mass of an object...
  10. M

    Can the Higgs Boson be accelerated to the speed of light?

    Ok, now I think I see what I am doing wrong. But I wasn't using the rest energy formula as something other than something to compare to. I was using total relativistic energy, which is E=mc²/√1-(v²/c²). Nevertheless, as stated above, I can see a potential error. I was keeping the value of E at a...
  11. M

    Can the Higgs Boson be accelerated to the speed of light?

    I was under the impression that all mass excluding rest mass was relative. All the equations I've ever seen or solved show that, as c is approached, the value of mass decreases until c is reached, when m=0 and E=∞, and therefore all mass seems to be converted to energy whenever the speed of...
  12. M

    Can the Higgs Boson be accelerated to the speed of light?

    I was thinking, because of the relationship between energy and mass and the mathematics, would it (theoretically speaking, of course) be possible to accelerate the Higgs Boson to the speed of light, reducing its mass value to 0 and converting that mass into energy? I was also wondering if this...