Recent content by maccyjj

  1. M

    Spacetime Inverval Invariance using Lorentz Transformations

    Oh of course! How did I miss that? Thank you so much I got it out now!
  2. M

    Spacetime Inverval Invariance using Lorentz Transformations

    Homework Statement Prove that the spacetime interval -(ct)^{2} + x^{2} + y^{2} + z^{2} is invariant. [/itex] Homework Equations Lorentz transformations \Deltax' = \gamma(\Deltax-u\Deltat) \Deltay' = \Deltay \Deltaz' = \Deltaz \Deltat' = \gamma(\Deltat-u\Deltax/c^{2}) The...
  3. M

    How Do You Calculate Slit Separation in a Double Slit Experiment?

    Homework Statement Red plane waves from a ruby laser (694.3nm) in air pass through two parallel slits in an opaque screen. A fringe pattern forms on a distant wall and we see the fourth bright band 1o above the central axis. (Counting the central bright fringe as zero). Calculate the...