Recent content by m0urazz

  1. M

    B So if we used the brake, the accleration would be?

    *Neglect the friction between the car and the earth, but not the friction between the stuff inside the car & the interior surface of the car* For example, if we're moving with a car at constant speed and we used the brake to stop with constant acceleration, and the stuff inside the car included...
  2. M

    A problem with Newton's mechanics

    Oh, that was easy I just couldn't see that, thanks Doc!
  3. M

    A problem with Newton's mechanics

    The tree will exert 49 N just to balance the force exerted
  4. M

    A problem with Newton's mechanics

    I know what you mean, but there are two masses, if we simply put them at one end it'd read 98 N, and now by putting one at every end it will read 48 N, I just can't understand why :/
  5. M

    A problem with Newton's mechanics

    In every rope, there's also a tension which is equal to 49N
  6. M

    A problem with Newton's mechanics

    Everyone weights 49N
  7. M

    A problem with Newton's mechanics

    [Mod note: Thread moved from forum Classical Physics so no template shown] This set is in equilibrium and I can't find out what will the scale write down in Newtons, any help?