Recent content by luxxio

  1. L

    Autocorrelation vs Hurst exponent. differences and similarities

    What is the relation between autocorrelation and Hurst exponent in time series analysis? which are the differences and which are the similarities? thanx
  2. L

    The best method for a many many variable optimization problem?

    I need to optimize a maximum likelihood function with many many variables (~10^2 variables). what is the faster method? thanx
  3. L

    I would share my genetic algorithm subroutine

    For who wants help me in this project, this is the page:
  4. L

    I would share my genetic algorithm subroutine

    it's not a new algorithm. the while I'm trying with gnu projects. thanx
  5. L

    I would share my genetic algorithm subroutine

    Dear all, i wrote a fortran subroutine that implement a genetic algorithm in double precision. I would like share this code in order to improve and due to the lack of this kind (double precision) of genetic algorithm in fortran. My question is where i can do this? best regards
  6. L

    Elo Rating System: Explaining Statistic Details

    yes i know this tale. the question is a little different. the expected score is the probability of win and half the probability of draw. and so question is why this probability is compared with the actual score?
  7. L

    Elo Rating System: Explaining Statistic Details

    i know this reference. the question is why the expected value is compared with the score of a player. really i can't understand the logic behind this.
  8. L

    Elo Rating System: Explaining Statistic Details

    who can explain me the statistical details under the elo rating system? in particular why the expeted value rapresent the score of the game. thanx
  9. L

    Football Rating Model: Probability of Win, Loose or Draw

    i am wondering about how it is possible compute the probability of win, loose or draw in football game or any other sport. who knows the model the bookmaker use? and which level of confidence they have?
  10. L

    I don't understand the light deflection calculus

    i am studing the book of weinberg of general relativity. in the part about light deflection weinberg perform the calculus of the angle deflection of a light ray bended bay a gravitational body. i don't how can evalute the integral. in other words i don't understand de taylor aproximation of the...
  11. L

    Where can I find a covariant approach to Poisson brackets?

    i am searching for a detailed discussion on the relativistic poisson brackets. where i can found it?
  12. L

    How to define a noncommutative derivative

    k-poincarè... [X_i,X_j]=\theta_{ijk}X_k
  13. L

    How to define a noncommutative derivative

    first of all, i don't know if this is the correct place to post this topic, if no tell me. My question is, i have a definition of derivative that can not be applied to a noncommutative space. How i can define a derivative in a noncommutative space? thank you.