Recent content by LuckyNate

  1. L

    How and how much does is the cosmological red shift affected?

    When we look out into deep space we see a red shift in the light from distant sources because they are more or less all receding from us. How is the red shift distorted by passing through our local galactic gravitational well, before hitting us down here on the ground?(more red/more blue/no...
  2. L

    What mechanism causes the acceleration?

    oh yea duh...that's universal...
  3. L

    What mechanism causes the acceleration?

    Thanks for this very concise and easy to understand explanation. =) Wouldn't diverting the motion away from the time direction cause an 'acceleration' in time, in the direction of the past? the apple experiences less time passing as it is falling?
  4. L

    What mechanism causes the acceleration?

    P.S. I've read other posts about this same subject, but I didn't understand much of it, because of extensive use of words I don't know. Please say it in a way a child can read. In order to visualize curved space I had to imagine a Rubik's cube and then squish in the area where the center of...
  5. L

    What mechanism causes the acceleration?

    If I were to hold a tennis ball out at arm's length, and release it, we all know it would fall due to gravitational attraction from the Earth's mass. In Newton's physics, gravity was a force that was created by and acted on all mass, causing two objects to accelerate toward one another, at a...
  6. L

    Hawking Time Travel Experiment

    ((Wasnt sure where to post this one, but i felt this spot was good)) Okay Dr. Stephen Hawking conducted a time travel experiment in an attempt to prove that time travel will be invented one day. The basic idea was to throw a party for time travellers and announce the time and location of the...
  7. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    this doesn't sound correct to me, after all... in both cases (x^2 + x) ≠ x^3 and (x^2 -x) ≠ x^3 so if the two forces are regarded as both positive or one positive and the other negative in neither case will they make x^3 again i am no mathematician, but i know addition and subtraction (of the...
  8. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    I myself was wondering if that number didn't seem too high, it felt to me like space wasn't empty enough for it to work. Your numbers indicate that at about one third the distance from Earth to the moon, two 1kg masses will stop attracting and balance out the force of gravity versus the...
  9. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no...
  10. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    just about 3:08 light hours that means cosmological 'empty spaces' have to be immense for even the smallest effects of the dark energy to be felt. Sadly, this doesn't make it much easier for me to wrap my head around, I was hoping for a more grassroots number like, "The distance from...
  11. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    for this thought experiment, let us imagine there are no other pieces of mass nearby enough to exert any appreciable gravitational attraction on my two masses except on one another, or better yet, that no other masses exist in the space I'm using. i myself am not exerting any gravitational force...
  12. L

    One clock on Earth, one on Mars

    Then what is the discussion about? get out your calculator and do the math if you know how, i thought you wanted to discuss sr effects. You can use a light clock (a photon bouncing between two mirrors) for thought experiments, this gives a better visualization in the head as you can imagine the...
  13. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    Is this threshold (200 million light years out) described by the mass of the localized supercluster? if so, would the limiting distance be smaller for smaller masses? can we try the math? 2 masses of 1kg each are touching in open far apart will i have to pull them before they stop...
  14. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    vox they are not the same...gravitation is inherent in mass, and curves the surrounding space-time...the dark energy appears to be an inherent energy present in the empty space-time itself, the question i need answered is 'how strong is the dark' energy and 'how its force plays out (is it...
  15. L

    How well has the force of Dark Energy been calculated?

    Thanks very much for this aside on what dark energy is...hopefully now someone can post an actual answer to one of the questions I've posted.