Recent content by Lucio789

  1. L

    Can You Upgrade Your Laptop's GPU?

    can anybody please tell me if it is possible to upgrade my computers GPU. just write in the comments if you need info about my pc to detemine it!
  2. L

    History A Brief History of Time -- Recommended?

    Thanks i don't get what that's suppose to help?
  3. L

    History A Brief History of Time -- Recommended?

    I'm thinking about buying the following books: "the elegant universe", "welcome to the universe" and "a brief history of time". Do you aprove or should I buy some other books, and if so which books?
  4. L

    Discovering the Fascinating World of Theoretical Physics: A Beginner's Guide

    Hello my name is lucio I'm from Denmark. My English grammar might not be so great so don't judge me to much. I first got interested in physics the first time I had it in school, I think the subject was atoms, I'm not quite sure. But then after I got my interest I started watching YouTube videos...