Recent content by LtIvan

  1. LtIvan

    8-bit or 16-bit Architecture for a Hobbyist Computer

    I am thinking of building a basic computer, similar to Ben Eater's 8-bit computer. I may be building it on a PCB. However, I intend to aspire to 16-bit bus computer, because it will allow larger numbers, larger computations, larger memory, because the address is larger. However, is it...
  2. LtIvan

    QI-Style Question: What's Wrong with this Diagram?

    Wait so your answer is the labels are mixed up?... WRONG! That is not the answer... I might as well give the answer awayAnswer: The lettering is upside down; the diagram is upside down. The diagram is correct, just that the labels are upside down.Get it? It is supposed to be a trick question...
  3. LtIvan

    QI-Style Question: What's Wrong with this Diagram?

    Wait so your answer is the labels are mixed up?... WRONG! That is not the answer... Try again I do not think you understand the rules; you need to give a straight forward answer, not an anecdote that gives a vague response. Perhaps you need to have watch QI to understand.
  4. LtIvan

    QI-Style Question: What's Wrong with this Diagram?

    Allo, wes geo hal, Here is a little question I devised is the style of the British reality quiz series QI hosted by Stephen Fry. The most obvious wrong answer will result in loss of points and correct answer gets points. Question: Is this diagram correct? If not, what is the error. Reply...
  5. LtIvan

    My Static RAM Cell I Made over the Weekend

    Firstly, I have not had the time to purchase a breadboard yet; I was going to the other day when I was in Jaycar, but hesitated at the price and my spending budget. One question I have might seem simple, but want to make sure, there is no need to bolt the tab/body/substrate to ground for the...
  6. LtIvan

    My Static RAM Cell I Made over the Weekend

    Thanks for thy feedback, You are correct; it is not a good practice to connect the voltage supply to any other nodes. Since it can short the circuit, and damage some of the components. However, this was an experiment to see Schmidt NAND gates can be used for a SRAM latch or memory cell. Also...
  7. LtIvan

    My Static RAM Cell I Made over the Weekend

    Allo, Recently, I have been researching RAM, including formats such as DRAM and SRAM. While I was running simulations on SRAM one week, I realized I could make a 1 bit Static Memory Cell using a simple Schmidt NAND IC. I ran a draft for it displaying two feed backing NAND gates as inverters...
  8. LtIvan

    Dynamic RAM: Capacitance and Refreshing

    Allo, There appears to be a problem when I was observing simulations of a DRAM cell in LTSpice IV. The figure attached shows the circuit. The circuit is an array of four DRAM cells in a two by two array. Each cell is a composition of a capacitor at 220μF and a N channel MOSFET. Node 002 is at...
  9. LtIvan

    Dynamic RAM: Capacitance and Refreshing

    However, the main question I am asking, hypothetically, if I had DRAM cell with a large capacitance, does it need to be refreshed. Thanks in advance,
  10. LtIvan

    Dynamic RAM: Capacitance and Refreshing

    Wes thu hal, I have been researching computer hardware aspects, and I have been recently looking at RAM types, particularly DRAM. I am think of making a simple model of it for a hobby. For a DRAM bit cell, does the capacitance value matter? What affects does it have if it is big or small, e.g...
  11. LtIvan

    I What is the y-limit of the inverse tangent function?

    Okay thanks, that worked. Thinking immaterially, correct me if I am invalid, when π/2 subtract an infinitesimal, tan function would equal what one would interpret as infinity? Let i="infinitesimal" tan(π/2-i)=∞ ? However, thanks for your help, I now understand things better.
  12. LtIvan

    I What is the y-limit of the inverse tangent function?

    I approximately understand. So by your logic, when you graph y=tan(x), when it goes up and approaches endlessly, it stops round about π/2 and goes back down to increase and repeat this process? My original question was when does it stop on the y axis? It is infinity? However, when I apply this...
  13. LtIvan

    I What is the y-limit of the inverse tangent function?

    Allo, When I was experimenting with graphing functions, I noticed the inverse tangent, or arctanget, curves away from y=2, or may be less. What is the y limit for the inverse tangent function? Does it for ever increase, or terminate at a co-ordinate?
  14. LtIvan

    C/C++ Visual Studio Code Compile C (or C++)

    While I try a figure this issue out, I have decided to use Code::Blocks, which is a very simple C/C++ compiler and I might stick with it. Thanks all with the support and I will try to solve this.
  15. LtIvan

    C/C++ Visual Studio Code Compile C (or C++)

    I was able to get a C++ template. However, when I tried building that simple C file, it came up with an error saying I haven't got Windows SDK 8.1 installed. So I installed Windows SDK 8.1 and that fixed it but I have gotten another error when I try to build saying: "