Recent content by Lostinthought

  1. L

    Form 8 Digit Number with 7s, 6s & 0s

    It has nly 6 digits
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    Computational Fluid Dynamics by John D. Anderson

    I am doing my undergrad in mechanical engineering and I have been using this book for CFD self study and got as far as simulating Couette flows(not much, I know). Is there any book or internet resource where I can find more basic simulation problems and info on solver development? Thanks!
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    Elastic collisions between multiple bodies

    What is the concept behind it?, why should coefficent of restitution be 1 for elastic collisions, can it be derived in some way?
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    Elastic collisions between multiple bodies

    I have only two,the 4 variables are the x and y components of each of the particles, is using the KE balance same as using the restitution formula with e=1?, From where does the law of restitution come?, it is not a fundamental conservation law, so what is the principle behind it?. And while...
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    Elastic collisions between multiple bodies

    The problem is like this, i have the initial velocities and masses, i want to find the final velocities. I have assumed elastic collision , so i have 2 momentum equations and an energy equation. But i have 4 variables, I have not used the restitution formula, because i have assumed elastic...
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    Elastic collisions between multiple bodies

    When considering the case of two or more point masses colliding in a 2 dimensional plane, is there any way to determine the final state completely from the initial conditions? if not is it not a blow to the deterministic ways of classical physics...
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    Feynmann's electron double slit experiment

    Hi, I was trying to learn a bit of quantum mechanics from Feynman lectures. In the 3rd volume of the Feynman lectures, he talks of the double slit experiment with electrons. He says that if we keep a light source near the first slit, so that every time an electron passes it scatters light and...
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    Exploring the Holographic Principle: Questions and Answers

    Hi,I don't understand the holographic principle,how can the entire physics in a space be done on its boundary,arent we supressing a dimension and there by losing the information contained in it?,and is it neccesary that the boundary be closed?
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    Why are observables represented by operators in Hilbert space?

    if its a postulate then what motivates it?
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    Why are observables represented by operators in Hilbert space?

    i have been trying to learn a bit of quantum mechanics,this is some thing that has been bothering me , if the states of a system can be expressed as vectors in the Hilbert space,what is the motivation behind saying that physical observables can be given by operators?even then ,how can we say...
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    Relativistic Force: Transforming Forces Between Reference Frames

    hi, i was tryin to learn some relativistic particle dynamics and came across reltivistic force m\frac{d^{2}x}{d\tau^{2}},how does this help in transforming forces between reference frames?i dnt understand how this wrks since the vale of velocity changes with time
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    Proper lorentz transformations

    so that means all rotations are proper lorentz transformations while reflections are not,but won't reflections change the proper time,\tau,so all reflections can't be lorentz transformations ryt?
  13. L

    How Does Subtracting and Adding Masses Affect Acceleration in a Force Equation?

    the -0.273109F u got is m1-m2,and u used it as m2-m1 to find the acceleration.its just a careless error noting more
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    Proper lorentz transformations

    what does it mean by "any \Lambda^{\alpha}_{\beta} that can be converted to the idendity \delta^{\alpha}_{\beta} by a continuous variation of parameters must be a proper lorentz transformation"?