Recent content by loomis

  1. L

    Other Graduate job prospects without industrial year

    I'm a computer science student in the UK. People are telling me that an industrial year placement is crucial for getting a job when you graduate. For various reasons I can't do an industrial year. What are my prospects like in terms of getting a job? I basically have nothing to add to my CV...
  2. L

    Other What's the best thing you can do with a CompSci degree?

    Oh well that's good since my degree is in 'computer science and artificial intelligence'. One of my lecturers recently said that quantum computer people have always been saying that quantum computing is close. Mobile apps/games does not sound like something I would want to dedicate my life to...
  3. L

    Other What's the best thing you can do with a CompSci degree?

    So I don't really know what kind of career path to pursue with a computer science degree. I'm going to be starting my second year in autumn. What's the best kind of work you can do in terms of interestingness/wage/impact on the world/whatever other kind of metric? I know's it very difficult to...