Recent content by Lookitsame

  1. Lookitsame

    How do I properly charge my LIPO battery?

    Thank you for pointing that out, that clears things up now I'll go ahead and get this one ( The main reason is this one weighs much less than the 3s battery and since weight is a big issue for my project I decided to get the 2s battery...
  2. Lookitsame

    How do I properly charge my LIPO battery?

    Hey, thanks everyone for your comments, taking everything in I'll get a battery charger meant for a 7.4v lipo ( I would also get a BMS but I was planning to hook up the leads of the battery to a buck convertor that would give me an...
  3. Lookitsame

    How do I properly charge my LIPO battery?

    Hey, I just purchased a lipo battery and was wondering if I wanted to charge it would I be able to use a 6v/3amp charger for the following lipo 7.4v/10amp. I'm pretty sure I would be able to. LIPO BATTERY: What is the general...