Recent content by looi76

  1. L

    What is the weight of the beam?

    Homework Statement A long uniform beam is pivoted at one end. A force of 300N is applied to hold the beam horizontally. What is the weight of the beam? Homework Equations Don't know which question to use... need help! The...
  2. L

    What is the uncertainty in this result?

    Homework Statement The density of the material of a rectangular block is determined by measuring the mass and linear dimensions of the block. The table shows the results obtained, together with their uncertainties. Mass = (25.0 \pm 0.1)g Lenght = (5.00 \pm 0.01)cm Breath = (2.00 \pm...
  3. L

    What is the depth x of the oil?

    Homework Statement The bore hole of depth 2000m contains both oil and water as shown. The pressure at the bottom is 17.5MPa. The density of the oil is 830kgm^-3 and the density of the water is 1000kgm^-3. What is the depth x of the...
  4. L

    What is the resistance of the wire and its uncertainty?

    I don't think this question need calculus! It is a multiple choice question and the choices are: (A) (8.0 \pm 0.2)\omega (B) (8.0 \pm 0.6)\omega (C) (8 \pm 1)\omega (D) (8 \pm 2)\omega
  5. L

    What is the resistance of the wire and its uncertainty?

    Homework Statement An experiment is done to measure the resistance of a wire. The current in the wire is 1.0 \pm 0.2A and the potential difference across the wire is 8.0 \pm 0.4V. What is the resistance of the wire and its uncertainty? Homework Equations ------------- The Attempt at a...
  6. L

    How Is Average Force Calculated in Physics Problems?

    Homework Statement Use data from Figure to determine, (a) the distance traveled by the ball during the first 0.40s, (b) the change in momentum of the ball, of mass 45g, during contact of the ball with the surface, (c) the average...
  7. L

    Forces on a steel ball of mass Question

    Homework Statement A steel ball of mass 73g is held above a horizontal steel plate, as illustrated in the figure below. The ball is dropped from rest and it bounces on the plate, reaching a height h. (a) Calculate the speed of ball as...
  8. L

    Determine the distance of the center of gravity from the end X of the plank?

    Homework Statement A non-uniform plank of wood XY is 2.50m long and weighs 950N. Force-meters (spring balances) A and B are attached to the plank at a distance of 0.40m from each end, as illustrated in the Figure below [/URL] When...
  9. L

    Solve Dynamics Q#5: 0.6kg Ball's Final Velocity

    Homework Statement A ball of mass 0.60kg rolls North at 4.0ms^{-1}. It meets a slope which causes a force of 0.18N East. This force lasts for 10s. Calculate the final velocity of the ball. Neglect any friction effects. Homework Equations F = m.a v = u+at The Attempt at a Solution m = 0.60kg \...
  10. L

    Aircraft Carrier: Dynamics Question #4 | Find Acceleration & Retarding Force

    Homework Statement An aeroplane of mass 20 tonne lands on an aircraft carrier with a horizontal velocity of 80ms^{-1}. A 100m runway is available. (a) What must be the acceleration to bring the aeroplane to rest safely? (b) What retarding force is requires? Homework Equations v^2 = u^2 + 2as F...
  11. L

    Solved Dynamics Question #3: Calculate Velocity, Momentum, and Force

    [SOLVED] Dynamics Question #3 Homework Statement A ball of mass 0.20kg is dropped from a height of 2.5m and bounce back up to 1.6m. Taking the acceleration due to gravity as 9.81 ms^{-2}, calculate: (a) the velocity of the ball as it hits the floor. (b) the velocity of the ball as it leaves...
  12. L

    Find the recoil velocity of the nucleus.

    Homework Statement An alpha particle is emitted from a stationary nucleus at 1.8 \times 10^7 ms^{-1}.The mass of the particle is 4u and that of the nucleus is 212u. (u is a unit of mass equal to 1.66 \times 10^{-27}kg.) (a) Find the recoil velocity of the nucleus. (b) Explain how you know the...
  13. L

    Dynamics Question #2: Calculate Force, Acceleration, Speed

    The vector N in the diagram has no purpose in this question?!
  14. L

    Dynamics Question #2: Calculate Force, Acceleration, Speed

    Thnx Hootenanny, just wanted to make sure that in part (b)(ii) using sin was correct rather than cos?