Recent content by lolgarithms

  1. L

    What is the significance of symmetry in the complex plane?

    How does one express mathematically the fact that: if we complex-conjugated everything (switch i to -i (j to -j etc. in hypercomplex numbers) in all the definitions, theorems, functions, variables, exercises, jokes ;-)) in the mathematical literature the statements would still be true?
  2. L

    Reignite Your Love of Math: Tips to Get Motivated & Textbook Suggestions

    How can i get started on studying higher level math again? i got discouraged by proof exercises on the textbooks, i need a fresh start. i feel unmotivated on the subject i thought i loved. how can i motivate myself again? Just about any way to motivate myself would do. also, could i have a...
  3. L

    Concerned about my mathematical maturity.

    I just wanted a list of textbooks, not motivational material.
  4. L

    Concerned about my mathematical maturity.

    Could I just have a list of hardcover or online textbooks that you recommend on abstract algebra, linear and multilinear algebra, real analysis, complex analysis, topology, differential geometry? by varying levels of rigor/conceptual understanding required doesn't have to be free, although it...
  5. L

    Schools Accelerated, rigorous courses for college credit

    Sorry, You did not answer my question satisfactorily. i don't live near california, so the stanford program is infeasible. And by rigorous i meant not "usually taken when you're older", but mathematically rigorous, i.e. with emphasis on proofs.
  6. L

    Schools Accelerated, rigorous courses for college credit

    this may be too much to ask of you, but if possible, please give me ideas, have you any knowledge of anything in the us that will give one college credit for a high school student? not some trivial sh*t like ap/ib calculus, multivar calculus, or diff eqs... something more proof based, like...
  7. L

    Concerned about my mathematical maturity.

    whatever. What topics are covered in the most rigorous undergrad curriculum? besides calculus (including complex variables), ordinary and partial diffeqs, linear and abstract algebra, real and complex analysis, set theory/logic...
  8. L

    Leonard Susskind : Classical Mechanics

    I had the thread deleted because i decided I wanted to post it here.
  9. L

    Leonard Susskind : Classical Mechanics

    Ithink he is not using the chain rule properly. if x is a function of time only, d/dt (dx/dt)^2 = 2dx/dt * d^2x/dt^2
  10. L

    Leonard Susskind : Classical Mechanics

    isn't the derivative of the first derivative squared: d/dt (x')^2 = 2x'x''? why does susskind claim it is 2x'', in his classical lecture 3?
  11. L

    Exploring Susskind's Claim: d/dt (y')^2 = 2y''?

    for example, isn't the derivative of the first derivative squared: d/dt (y')^2 = 2y'y''? why does susskind claim it is 2y'', in his classical lecture 3?
  12. L

    Concerned about my mathematical maturity.

    i condemb your condescending tone. you mean only grads can read those texts quickly? that's so unfair. what is phisycist's vector space notation? also can i get help on where to get started on more abstract math? Is there nothing but prove, prove, prove?
  13. L

    Concerned about my mathematical maturity.

    I can't read abstract math textbooks/symbols quickly and i find myself skimming over them. I can't do any simple prooves. I thought I was good at math, but then it struck... With what textbooks/subjects can I get started? Level of math: calculus 1,2, and 3 (non rigorous) *Textbooks...
  14. L

    Schools Non-ivy league schools for math, physics?

    another silly question. if you are going to an x college's graduate school, do they care if you were rejected from x college when you were applying as a high school student?