Recent content by loginorsinup

  1. L

    I Why is the Fourier transform of a sinusoid assumed as this?

    That's exactly it. The "DC" term comes from the square-to-double-argument trigonometric identity. Got it. Thank you very much! The rest of it is straightforward. :)
  2. L

    I Why is the Fourier transform of a sinusoid assumed as this?

    You're right. I will fix that.
  3. L

    I Why is the Fourier transform of a sinusoid assumed as this?

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to better understand structured illumination microscopy and in the literature, I keep coming across bits of text like this. Source: From Fourier analysis, if I take the...
  4. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    Hi. Thanks. Interesting that you also had the same problem! I was able to go through the calculus/algebra to show (and derive) how to work the cosh and sinh expansions, but, I ended up with $$a(\lambda) = a\cosh(2\lambda) -a^{\dagger}\sinh(2\lambda)$$ Just a quick look at the last post where...
  5. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    I am pretty sure that is enough to solve what I have been missing. Thank you very much. I wish I could have seen that as I was solving it. I felt like I was in the dark when I first did it alone, prior to asking here. How did you know how to solve these? Does it come from experience?
  6. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    \begin{align*} e^{\lambda W} a e^{-\lambda W} &= a + \lambda[W,a] + \frac{\lambda^2}{2!}[W,[W,a]] + \frac{\lambda^3}{3!}[W,[W,[W,a]]] + \frac{\lambda^4}{4!}[W,[W,[W,[W,a]]]] + \ldots\\ [W,a] &= -2a^{\dagger}\\ [W,a^{\dagger}] &= -2a\\ [W,[W,a]] &= [W,-2a^{\dagger}]\\ &= W(-2a^{\dagger}) -...
  7. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    \begin{align*} [a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}-aa,a^{\dagger}] &= [a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger},a^{\dagger}]-[aa,a^{\dagger}]\\ &= (a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}-a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger})-(aaa^{\dagger}-a^{\dagger}aa)\\ &= -aaa^{\dagger}+a^{\dagger}aa\\ &= a^{\dagger}aa-aaa^{\dagger}\\ &=...
  8. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    From \begin{align*} [a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger},a] &= a^{\dagger}(a^{\dagger}a) - aa^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}\\ &= a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}a + 0 - aa^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}\\ &= a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}a - a^{\dagger}aa^{\dagger} + a^{\dagger}aa^{\dagger} - aa^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}\\ &=...
  9. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    Hi, I really tried to see a pattern that led to the inclusion of hyperbolic trigonometric functions, but I am stuck. I calculated ##[\lambda W,a]## and ##[\lambda W,a^{\dagger}]## for ##W = a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger} - aa## and got the following. For ##[\lambda W,a]##...
  10. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    I can't edit, but I meant exponential version of the momentum operator.
  11. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    Hi, thanks for the response. I'm not sure I follow all of it. I should mention that I come from an engineering background and never took formal physics courses aside from the introductory series before taking this quantum course. I am not really sure what a symmetry transformation is, but from...
  12. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    Hey, thanks for that. You helped me understand the mechanics of (A), but I am very much stuck on (B). I don't even know where to begin other than to compute ##e^{\lambda W}Qe^{-\lambda W}## for ##W = a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger} - aa##, but for what ##Q##? What does any of this stuff even physically...
  13. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    So, ##e^{\lambda a}ae^{-\lambda a}## would require me to compute a few commutation relations. ##\left[\lambda a,a\right]## \begin{align*}\left[\lambda a,a\right] &= \lambda aa - a\lambda a\\ &= \lambda aa - \lambda aa\\&= 0\end{align*} Any commutation relation that depends on this commutation...
  14. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    Hey, thanks for that. I knew I was on the right track with that. So I just have to compute a ton of commutators, basically for part A. At what point do I get to truncate this power series relation you gave me (which is very similar to the one I had presented earlier)?
  15. L

    Similarity Transformation Involving Operators

    Homework Statement Virtually all quantum mechanical calculations involving the harmonic oscillator can be done in terms of the creation and destruction operators and by satisfying the commutation relation \left[a,a^{\dagger}\right] = 1 (A) Compute the similarity transformation...