Recent content by lneilson

  1. L

    Measuring Light Speed - Is Light Massless?

    Thanks for the replys they really gave me something to think about lneilson
  2. L

    Measuring Light Speed - Is Light Massless?

    Hi I was reading about the measurement of light years and was suprised to see it is the speed at which light goes through a vaacum. Is that because of the vaacum of space or does light have mass? thanks lneilson
  3. L

    Gravity, action and an equal and opposite reaction

    hi all for whatever reason in the last 5 years I've become fasinated with math I have absolutely no formal training at all I am teaching myself algebra at the moment and hope I can progress eventually into physics Now for my question (no laughing please) For every action there is an...
  4. L

    Millennium Theory of Inertia and Gravity

    M M 1 2 F=G ----------- 2 r (1) Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation Hi everyone I am very new to mathematics I don't know if I have a brain tumor or what but I am completely enthralled in physics my problems whenever...