Recent content by LitleBang

  1. L

    How long does it take for the Magnetic Field to reach the detector?

    Interesting, a connection to the propagation of light. I can't post new ideas but I can post a question that leads to new ideas. How very very interesting.
  2. L

    How long does it take for the Magnetic Field to reach the detector?

    Suppose I had an electromagnet that would instantly go to full power when turned on (impossible) and at one light second away a detector capable of detecting the electromagnet. When I turn the electromagnet on how long does it take for the field to reach the detector?
  3. L

    B Why can't light travel faster than c?

    A clock on the moon runs faster than than a clock on earth. Wouldn't the speed of light measured on the moon be slower than measured on the earth?
  4. L

    Propagation of light in a vacuum

    No because it's just a curious thought of mine. Although it makes an interesting kind of logic.
  5. L

    Propagation of light in a vacuum

    Is it possible that a charged particle has an electric field and that field basically extends out to infinity. if we move(accelerate) the particle it's field obviously must move with it. From where the old field was to where the new field begins is the photon. In other words the particles own...
  6. L

    I Determining Electron Dipole: Experiments & Results

    Does anyone now what kind of experiment they used to determine that the electron is a dipole?
  7. L

    Is the Speed of Light Truly Constant?

    Question, is this true? (13.8 billion years ago all the mass of the Universe was concentrated in a small area. Since time slows as we near mass then the speed of light would have been hundreds if not thousands of times faster than the speed of light today. This would explain the inflation theory.)
  8. L

    Does time run slower or faster in a magnetic field?

    Since we have been trying to understand gravity's mechanism for more than 200 years maybe it is a function of some other phenomena like the warping of time due to mass instead of the warping of time due to gravity?
  9. L

    Does time run slower or faster in a magnetic field?

    Wonder if anyone has ever tested time in a magnetic field?
  10. L

    Does time run slower or faster in a magnetic field?

    I know a gravitational field does but how does that apply to magnetic fields?
  11. L

    Does time run slower or faster in a magnetic field?

    No reason. It was just a thought. BTW, how do you know this to be fact?
  12. L

    Does time run slower or faster in a magnetic field?

    It was just a question. BTW, how do you know this?
  13. L

    Does time run slower or faster in a magnetic field?

    Does time run slower or faster in a magnetic field?
  14. L

    Another double-slit question

    As far as I know there is only one way of creating a photon and that is by accelerating a charged particle. Now where does the photon come from if not from disturbed space/time.
  15. L

    Event horizon in different coordinate systems

    To me the only time that makes any sense is local time. If you are at the event horizon your time is normal why worry about what it looks like to an outside observer? To an entity at the horizon events in the outside Universe appear to be occurring at an infinitely fast rate.