Recent content by lionel messi.

  1. L

    Mastering Composite and Inverse Functions: Examples and Explanation

    Hi all, can someone please give description about the use of composite and inverse functions with examples...? any help will be appreciated :!)
  2. L

    Solutions of trigonometric equations

    [b]1. The problem statement: QUESTION:the general solution of equation (√3 - 1)sin∅+(√3 + 1)c0s∅=2 is 1) ∅=2nπ+- (π/4)+(π/12) 2) ∅= nπ + (-1)^π (π/4)+(π/12) 3) ∅=2(n+1)π (π/4)+(π/12) The Attempt at a Solution ACTUALLY I DONT NEED THE ATTEMPT, i know the answer is option 1 , i don't...
  3. L

    Find nth Term of Arithmetic Progression Sequence

    it might be but during printing not translation.the book is in english...!
  4. L

    Find nth Term of Arithmetic Progression Sequence

    the question above is as stated as in my book..
  5. L

    Find nth Term of Arithmetic Progression Sequence

    the question demands the no. of terms seems impossible to solve...:/
  6. L

    Find nth Term of Arithmetic Progression Sequence

    find no. of terms... Homework Statement find n 212,179,146,113,...... [b]3. The Attempt at a Solution here a=212 d=-33 but nth term or the sum is not given.any help will be appreciated thanks
  7. L

    Complaint Help regarding forum rules

    help regarding forum rules...! ive some questions which i am unable to is there any room in this forum to post these questions or simply can i post these questions..because according to forum rules you should have some solution to a problem..moreover I've been remarked that "we don't...
  8. L

    What Is the Value of 'a' in the Infinite Geometric Series?

    Sequences and series help... [b]1. Homework Statement 3+3a+3a^2+...∞ is = to 45/8 where a>0,then a is...? [b]3. The Attempt at a Solution since it is a g.p so using S=(a(rn-1))/(r-1) for r>1 ive all the values except for "n"..can someone help...:/
  9. L

    Vectors and Forces: Solving for Unknown Components (15N)

    yes, this is the exact wording of the question...! is there any possibility to get 15N by amend this question a little?
  10. L

    Vectors and Forces: Solving for Unknown Components (15N)

    A force of 5N is acting along y axis,its component along x-axis is: 5N,15N,7N,10N. Please help me in this problem as it seems incomplete to me.. F=FXCOS@,F=FYSIN@...dont know the angle as well.. The answer is 15N..
  11. L

    What effects can occur when a body moves in a circular motion?

    I need to know the whole phenomenon of circular motion. Ex: centripetal force acts or acceleration is perpendicular to tang. Acceleration etc. So i need to know the other effects as well(if exists)
  12. L

    What effects can occur when a body moves in a circular motion?

    when a body moves in a circular motion or a path,how many effects are possible..?