Recent content by lingleo

  1. L

    MCNP4C: efficiency calculation

    Any one familiar with MCNP4C efficiency calculation can help me with this? My cal. result for 1.836MeV(e.g.) is always small (6.16447E-05 ) compared to it should be(3.78E-004 by a professional business software), here is the inp file, is there anything wrong with the geometry define or source...
  2. L

    How temperature affects GM tube performance?

    Thanks for your answer. I also doubted it was the normal tally fluctuation. From the research papers it seems GM tube will work well within the temperature range.
  3. L

    How temperature affects GM tube performance?

    Anyone familiar with GM tube, please share some experience on the effect of temperature to GM tube performance, how does it influence? I found our GM tube tally has increase a little as the temperature increased rapidly from 4 degree to 55 degree, I wonder is it a casualness or a indication of...