Recent content by LightningB0LT

  1. L

    Electric potential halfway between two equal but opposite charges

    Thanks, that makes it a lot easier to understand.
  2. L

    Electric potential halfway between two equal but opposite charges

    I'm having a hard time understanding why the electric potential halfway between two equal but opposite charges is 0. If I put a positive charge halfway between a 5 mC charge and a -5 mC charge, it will accelerate toward the negative charge, but how can it do this if it starts with no potential...
  3. L

    Is It Possible to Charge an iPod Using a Windmill on a Car?

    Without knowing exactly what voltage I'm going to generate yet, do they make AC/DC converters that would potentially work? And yeah, I wondered about the varying current too. Is there something l could buy to somehow regulate that? And no, my car's a 93 so it doesn't have cigarette lighters...
  4. L

    Is It Possible to Charge an iPod Using a Windmill on a Car?

    I'm a high school physics student, so keep my limited knowledge in mind. Basically the other day I had the idea to create a charger for my iPod that's powered by a windmill, which I could attach to the outside of my car. I've never actually built a windmill before, but I'm pretty confident I...
  5. L

    Where does an electron's kinetic energy go?

    When an electron moves through a wire between two terminals on a battery some of its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. My question is, where does that kinetic energy go once it reaches the other terminal? Some of it is probably converted to heat, but what about the rest of it?
  6. L

    Connection between polynomials and Pascal's triangle

    I recently discovered that for a 3rd degree polynomial I was studying, f(5) - 4f(4) + 6f(3) - 4f(2) + f(1) = 0. At first I just though it was coincidental that the coefficients were the 5th row of Pascal's Triangle, but then I tried a 2nd degree polynomial and found that f(4) - 3f(3) + 3f(2) -...