Recent content by Libmr2bs

  1. L

    Red - blue shifts and stellar rotation

    I understand the reason why we can't see the center of our galaxy. But the effect is not limited to our galaxy. There simply does not appear to be anyone who has access to a large telescope that has scanned across a galaxy to verify experimentally what you say. If there is I haven't found...
  2. L

    Red - blue shifts and stellar rotation

    Can you supply any references. I ran across some information that basically says that we can't see the center of our galaxy. This would imply that our measurements of other galaxies would be based on the outer regions - those nearest to the reference frame. In face-on spiral galaxies...
  3. L

    Red - blue shifts and stellar rotation

    Spiraling toward the center was intended to be general. Each object will have an orbit that most probably would be ellipical but the gravititational fields that it would encounter from other near objects in non-parallel orbits would cause a "bumpy" ride. For an object to be in orbit...
  4. L

    Red - blue shifts and stellar rotation

    When considering the speed of objects revolving around a galactic boundary and the gravitational confluence at the center of the galaxy, it would appear that all objects would be spiraling toward the center. If an object is spiraling toward that center, then it would appear that light from these...
  5. L

    Unit of Measurement: Arbitrary or Dependent on Physical Laws?

    I'm interested in a similar scenario except that it relates to a red shift due to gravitational attraction. When considering the speed of objects revolving around a galactic boundary and the gravitational confluence at the center of the galaxy, it would appear that all luminous objects would...