Recent content by leothorn

  1. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    I don't know about doing this cold. This occurred to me . But I will be knocked out cold by the time I solve this matrix analytically and then calculate its eigen values :P There seems to be no respite to the complexity . There has to be a better substitution . Thanks
  2. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    I don't know what to do . Where should i have started substitution ? I am beyond hope right now and i am not able to cross the mental block. Hints and suggestions are wasted on me right now. You will have to explain to me explicitly if I am to solve this :) Thanks
  3. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    I used the transformation suggested. I am stuck at the page 2. The un-elegance of the jacobian prompts me to believe there could be a better substitution or I am wrong somewhere in the beginning. Can u suggest a way out ?Page 1 : Page 2 ...
  4. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    before correcting my solution , are u saying that the transformation you suggested would yield broader generalized results ?
  5. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    Sorry I am a bit confused by what you said . Let me reiterate what you said to confirm that I understood you. I have the equation sin (x-y) = -a sin x - a sin y where a = 1/2K I compared this to (sin x cos y - cos x sin y) and concluded 1 )cos y = (-a) and cos x = (a) [ Point to note...
  6. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    I tried to solve the problem just using phi = x - y this is the worked out solution. Wanted to check if the method in is acceptable. Solution in the first 3 pages is actual manipulation the remaining are the stability interpretation of the result Page 1 ...
  7. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    from the transformation equations we get x = u +v y = u -v so u'=x'+y' and v'=x'-y' Now the values are put into get the equations u'= E-cos u sin v (1) v'= -sin u cos v - K sin 2v (2) Now setting the system to zero for fixed points we get...
  8. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    I get u' = -cos u sin v so either sinv =0 or cosu = 0 so v =arcsin 0 +- npi , u =arccos 0 +- npi Ordinarily we take the jacobian of the systems to get eigen values and eigen vectors to state something about the stabiiy of the points. What do i do in this case ?
  9. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    Yes that wht i did with phi'=0 but i didnt get points instead getting the question shown above it. Nvm ill put up my whole worked sheet as scans. typing it wil take an era
  10. L

    Coupled non-linear differential equations

    Homework Statement x'= E - sin x + K sin (y-x) y'= E + sin y + K sin (x-y) E and K >0 Find fixed points for this system of equations Homework Equations This system is the form of coupled oscillators described in Strogatz. θ1'= ω1 + K sin (θ2-θ1) θ2'= ω2 + K sin (θ1-θ2)...
  11. L

    Time Period of Limit Cycle numerically

    Homework Statement Consider the system of equations : x' = x-y-x^3 and y'=x+y-y^3 a) Draw a phase plot ( Done numericlly program listed here in matlab) b) Prove analytically that at-least one stable cycle exists ( Used Poincare Bendixon theorem to prove done) c) Compute the period of...
  12. L

    Weight difference between a charge and discharged battery

    Do the conclusions of then discussion hold if the concept of mass in special relativity does not hold ? ( A contention held at the end of the article linked above ? I was thinking on the following lines.. When the battery system is at higher energy that is the constituent particles are...
  13. L

    Weight difference between a charge and discharged battery

    What about the fact that the chemical reaction leads to change in weight of the constituent parts of the reaction /
  14. L

    Weight difference between a charge and discharged battery

    Assuming an a suitably accurate weighing device , Would the weight of a completely discharged battery be different from a completely charged battery.