Recent content by Lenjaku

  1. L

    What affects tangential acceleration and normal or c?

    I had a problem where I had static friction and force in opposite directions and I had to find the time in which the object will start moving (while the force was represented with t for time). So I went ahead and found the max static friction and found the time needed but when I tried the t I...
  2. L

    What affects tangential acceleration and normal or c?

    I was wondering if acceleration (a) is the speed in which speed changes how come it can b higher than 0 and still v=0? like when there is a force pulling from the other side, the body won't move but since there is force there is acceleration. So which is which? Does the tangential...
  3. L

    I don't get the acceleration relation in this ex

    There is no mathematic explanation then? :( .Since the rope near the wall 'lengthens' the same value it 'shortens' near m2 while m1 keeps on going does it mean that m1 moves twice the distance m2 moves?If so it makes sense for me :S edit: I just noticed I mean m1 moves less than m2, m2 moves...
  4. L

    I don't get the acceleration relation in this ex

    Homework Statement find the relationship between the 2 particles' accelerations. Homework Equations m1=20kg m2=40kg wheel doesn't weigh but can move. both particles move with friction. μs=μk=0.2 F(t)=98e0.1t The Attempt at a Solution I came up with 3 equations...
  5. L

    Question about integrating w/ specific time

    I figure out I need to calculate 2 to t...
  6. L

    Question about integrating w/ specific time

    When I integrate v(t) after I calculated the t, what do I get? Let;s say t=2. do I get the position vector in this 2s? If so it means the integral goes from 0 to t? or I still need to calculate from 2 to t? I could simply integrate v from 0 to t then place 2 in the position vector but I got an...
  7. L

    How do I simplify 4x4 det before solving? I am doing somethingwrong

    Not everything I did had to have a meaning I was playing around with it. I figured out what I was doing wrong though...I treated it as matrix . When I write 2R2+R3 I actually mean R2=2R2+R3 I didn't know I can't do that with dets or I change its value:S
  8. L

    How do I simplify 4x4 det before solving? I am doing somethingwrong

    Homework Statement solve the det 3 1 1 0 -4 5 0 -1 0 7 2 8 2 -1 0 3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am trying to solve it and get a different answer each time so I am doing something I shouldn't obviously. Ok I am adding rows to other rows...
  9. L

    Find Placement Vector of Ball Thrown Ballistically at Angle α from Height H

    Thank you very much I completely missed it @.@. Was running in circles XD Thanks.
  10. L

    Find Placement Vector of Ball Thrown Ballistically at Angle α from Height H

    Homework Statement ball is thrown in angle α (balistically) from height H. Waht is the placement vector in any moment? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ok I know acceleration is: a(t) = (0,−g) it means the velocity is: v(t)=(v0 cosα , v0 sinα − gt) But...
  11. L

    Finding the general highest spot-balistick

    I think I figured out... Using the equation or using the vector itself should be the same. the equation was adapted from the vector's integration the missing 0.5 that confused me was missing because I forgot that when integrating pow u also add it as friction. (sorry I am having hard time...
  12. L

    Finding the general highest spot-balistick

    Homework Statement a ball is thrown in angle α from height H , moving horizontal distance D. express the highest spot it reaches using the parameter D. Homework Equations r=r0+v0(t)t+0.5gt2The Attempt at a Solution My question is why I can;t simply find the highest spot using the vectors...
  13. L

    How to find r(t) by given:v(t) r(2) ?

    I am sorry I don;t get you. The only t I was given is t=2. And I was give the components of r(t=2) so I assume the answer should do something with it. I don;t know what r(t=0) is. What do I do with the r(t=2) I was given? Doing as u suggested was my initiate approach with no any...
  14. L

    How to find r(t) by given:v(t) r(2) ?

    I integrated v(t) as: (6t3)/3 + (4t2)/2 , (3t2)/2 - 2t,(12t4)/4 - (9t4)/4 And then placed t=2. r(2) was given. I simply wanted to see what it turns to be to understand what is going on there... I still don't understand how to find r(t) at any given time when I am only given r(t=2)...
  15. L

    How to find r(t) by given:v(t) r(2) ?

    Unfortunately I am still trying to figure out things we only had 1 lecture about this. If I take the integral of t=2 and reduce t=0 it woudlnt give me anything (I think). Just to see what happens I integrated v(t) and placed t=2. the numbers are nothing near r(2). it turned out to be...