Recent content by Lengalicious

  1. L

    What Does dad^-1 Equal for Elements in a Left-Coset Outside C_G(a)?

    Of course, sorry, this is just the 1st ever problem I've attempted in group theory and its a struggle to get my head around. From the definition of the left coset is it correct to say ##cS_G(a)=\{d~\epsilon~ G:\exists~ g ~\epsilon~ S_G(a):d=cg\}## so ##dad^{-1}=cgad^{-1}## ?
  2. L

    What Does dad^-1 Equal for Elements in a Left-Coset Outside C_G(a)?

    Is this what I am finding? The conjugates of elements in the centralizer?
  3. L

    What Does dad^-1 Equal for Elements in a Left-Coset Outside C_G(a)?

    Is there a different definition for a coset of a centralizer vs a coset of a standard subgroup? And I think you are correct about the 2nd typo, I have emailed my professor to check though.
  4. L

    What Does dad^-1 Equal for Elements in a Left-Coset Outside C_G(a)?

    I'm really confused still, does the left coset commute with any of the elements? also does it obey any group axioms, or is this not relevant Am I supposed to start with d or d^-1 = something and keep doing valid operations on it until i get to dad^-1 = something?
  5. L

    What Does dad^-1 Equal for Elements in a Left-Coset Outside C_G(a)?

    I have updated the opening post with an attachment of the question, hopefully its more clear
  6. L

    What Does dad^-1 Equal for Elements in a Left-Coset Outside C_G(a)?

    Homework Statement I need to determine dad^1 for each element d in the left-coset formed by acting on the elements in C_G(a) with the element c such that c is not an element of the subgroup C_G(a) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't really understand what the...
  7. L

    Solving a differential equation

    Ok so if I did that then what? I can define a characteristic equation such that r^2-\frac{a}{1+bx}=0 and r=\pm\sqrt{\frac{a}{1+bx}} where b^2-4ac = 4a(1+bx) > 0 so a solution is y=ce^{rx} but that doesn't satisfy the ODE so its not correct?
  8. L

    Solving a differential equation

    Homework Statement Solve (1+bx)y''(x)-ay(x)=0Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm used to solving homogeneous linear ODE's where you form a characteristic equation and solve that way, here there is the function of x (1+bx) so how does that change things?
  9. L

    Lowest frequency non-uniform string

    not really sure I understand, am I correct in using D=ae^{rx} and subbing that into(1+bx)\frac{D''}{D}=\sigma to find r? Or is my r incorrect? EDIT: I see what you mean nevermind.. EDIT: I don't suppose you could give me a hint on how to find the trial solution? I have not come across an ODE...
  10. L

    Lowest frequency non-uniform string

    Homework Statement See attachment (stuck with part b at the moment)Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution \phi=D(x)T(t) so (1+bx)D''(x)T(t)-D(x)T''(t)=0 (1+bx)\frac{D''(x)}{D(x)}=\frac{T''(t)}{T(t)} let \frac{T''}{T}=\sigma (1) use trial solution T=be^{rt} subbing into (1) and solve...
  11. L

    Behaviour of series (radius of convergence)

    Yeah, that was my initial thought, just confuses me why the question uses z.. ooh well thanks I can actually get somewhere if I sub a in.
  12. L

    Behaviour of series (radius of convergence)

    Sorry for being unclear, I found the radius of convergence to be \rho_o=|a| using the ratio test, forgot to include that in the opening post. I am unclear as to how I am supposed to figure the behaviour based on this information, the question literally gets me to find the radius of convergence...
  13. L

    Behaviour of series (radius of convergence)

    Homework Statement Series: \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(-1)^{(n+1)}\frac{(x)^n}{na^n} what is the behaviour of the series at radius of convergence \rho_o=-z ? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So I can specify that the series is monatonic if z is non negative as...