Recent content by Learningd

  1. L

    Entangled Particles: Can They Be Distinguished?

    Dear Learned Physicists, can anyone educate me on: is it possible to distinguish entangled particles before and after interaction in theory? what I'm trying to find out is, if two entangled particles can be separated and one interacted with to produce a result at the other end, such...
  2. L

    Which interaction does the Higgs field rely on?

    Dear Physics Forum, can anyone tell me which of the fundamental interactions is involved in the Higgs Field? Or is it a new and unique type of interaction apart from the fundamental 4?
  3. L

    Understanding Entangled Particles: Is it Possible?

    Dear Dr Chinese, Thank you for the answer, I was trying to find out about entanglement maintained for long periods. And its great to be here at Physics forum thanks.
  4. L

    Understanding Entangled Particles: Is it Possible?

    I am trying to understand how it may be possible to maintain two particles in an entangled superposition. Is this possible or has this already been done?