Recent content by Leaping antalope

  1. L

    Physics problems (gravitational acceleration and work)

    For this problem, I found out the three acceleration vectors to m1, m2, and m3. Then I added the three vectors together and got an expression for a net gravitational acceleration. But I don't konw how to do the last part of the question. When Z is much larger than Y2, X3, X, and Y, I tried to...
  2. L

    Physics problems (gravitational acceleration and work)

    Need help with my physics homework. 1. Consider three masses that lie in the X,Y plane. The first mass, m1 lies at the origin, second mass, m2 lies at (0, Y2) and let the third mass, m3 lies at (X3, 0). Find an expression for the net gravitational acceleratoin at an arbitrary point in pace...
  3. L

    Basic Mechanics: Force Diagram in Elevator & Weight Calculation

    So...the accelereation from the Earth is 10N/kg, when the elevator provides its own acceleration...can i add the two accelerations together? What will be the force diagram? Still don't get it!
  4. L

    Basic Mechanics: Force Diagram in Elevator & Weight Calculation

    I know that the force diagram is the same when the elevator is at rest and when its at constant velocity. What i don't understand is that when the elevator is accelerating...when it speeds up AND when it slows down. What is the change in the normal force? and how will the weighting scale change?
  5. L

    Basic Mechanics: Force Diagram in Elevator & Weight Calculation

    Hi everyone, I am reviewing physics...and here comes a question that has confused me for a long time. The question is about the elevator (lift) and a weighting scale...what is the force diagram on a person standing in the elevator on a weighting scale...1. when the elevator is going upwards...
  6. L

    How Is X-ray Produced and Analyzed in Physics?

    I see. Thanks Pieter Kuiper and Inha. I just bombed my physics mid-term today...i just hope that i can do better on the real IB exam. Oh, and by the anyone know any useful website about particle physics (leptons, mesons, bosons...and all those)...cuz this is also my weak point. Thanks~
  7. L

    How Is X-ray Produced and Analyzed in Physics?

    Thanks... oh, another question...for the bremsstrahlung radiation part, the projectile eletrons avoid all outer-shell electrons of the target and interact with the nucleus of the target. because the nucleus is of positive charge, the projectile electrons will be attracted. How come the...
  8. L

    How Is X-ray Produced and Analyzed in Physics?

    so...should i find out the wavelengths corresponding to the two peaks, and use E=hf1-hf2 (c=frequency x wavelength) ? is this the energy difference b/t the ground state and the first excited state? Also...please see the graph attached...A is the continuous radiation, B is the charasteristic...
  9. L

    How Is X-ray Produced and Analyzed in Physics?

    Need help with "X-ray production" Hi everyone. i am in 12th grade now. im having problems with the production of X-ray... Can someone tell me how X-ray is generated? From the very the charateristic raditaoin and the Bremsstrahlung the intensity graph (the one with...
  10. L

    Gmail Adds Text Formatting Feature - 600+ Colors! there any convenient and quick way to forward each email from hotmail to Gmail? (without forwarding each one individually...)
  11. L

    How Can I Find Information on COD and International Standards for Water Quality?

    Hi everyone: I am doing my Chemistry group project right now, it is something about the water quality. And I am in charge of the COD (Chemical oxygen demand) part. The teacher told me that COD contains two parts: concentration (mg/L)and light absorbance rate (A)...something like that (I...
  12. L

    Survey about Cloning - Gender, Age, Education Questions

    And...the first cloned-to-order pet is a 9-week-old cat called Little Nicky. I saw the news just now.
  13. L

    Survey about Cloning - Gender, Age, Education Questions

    Please...I need three more...Thanks!
  14. L

    Survey about Cloning - Gender, Age, Education Questions

    Thanks! More opinions are welcomed.