Recent content by Lacplesis

  1. Lacplesis

    Reactor Channel Layout: RBMK, PWR, CANDU Comparison

    Hi, help me out with this one , I have wanted to understand this for a long time, I know different reactors have different approaches to active zone design but here I want to understand how the fuel channel of a RBMK reactor works, I know there are types of reactors like BWR in which I assume...
  2. Lacplesis

    Prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, chain reaction control

    Ok so I get from what you say and also from what I have read in my life that most latest generation and second generation reactors are built such that under normal operating conditions the reactor is calculated and designed such that it cannot go supercritical , in other words its coolant and...
  3. Lacplesis

    A Space time expnasion, age of universe.

    Ok , I kind of get it since the universe was extremely dense at the beginning and only few mm or even smaller apart then the vast empty spaces filled with gravitational potential energy and Em radiation were once all closely packed in a ball of the size of a grain so theoretically every part of...
  4. Lacplesis

    Prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, chain reaction control

    Ok, I have another question with regard to this, if the prompt vs delayed neutron balance is so important for a safe power increase in a reactor and the prompt neutrons cannot be allowed to exceed 0.99 or thereabout of the coefficient k of reactivity then how do the reactor operators monitor...
  5. Lacplesis

    A Space time expnasion, age of universe.

    I was thinking about the age of the universe which is said to be 13.8 billion years approximately. I read that this is derived from two sources , calculating the life of the oldest stars in the observable universe and from extrapolating backwards the distance which is radius from Earth to all...
  6. Lacplesis

    I Why Does Fire Not Travel Backwards in a Gas Hose During Ignition?

    Hi , a simple question arose in my head , why is that every time I have seen a hose attached to a gas tank being set on fire the fire always burns out of the end of he hose but the fire never travels backwards inside the hose back to the tank to explode it. the same I suppose happens to a...
  7. Lacplesis

    Prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, chain reaction control

    @Astronuc , no i was thinking loss of water as in an accident scenario like happened at TMI where they jerked the water levels because they had wrong readings on the gauges if I remember correctly from what I have read.So in that sense less dense water or no water at all is part of the negative...
  8. Lacplesis

    Prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, chain reaction control

    So the PWR is built such that when the coolant (water) becomes less dense or is lost the reactor power decreases? Why is this, is it because water is also the moderator in the PWR making fast neutrons into thermal ones and the U235 fissions better with thermal than fast neutrons , so loss of...
  9. Lacplesis

    Prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, chain reaction control

    Ok so as I was writing my response I saw new answers but since my text is still relevant I will post it anyway. Correct uranium has 6 known isotopes from U233 to 238 ,thanks for clarification. Ok let's touch upon the reactor startup condition which you mentioned here , I also am reading a book...
  10. Lacplesis

    Prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, chain reaction control

    Hello, I am reading about this and I have a question , so let me explain how I understood this and please correct where I am wrong. I will ask about nuclear reactors because obviously in bombs only prompt neutrons matter since there is no need for any control only an exponential increase in...
  11. Lacplesis

    Diamond vs. glass -- thermal properties

    Well I was looking for some information also on how well different materials withstand neutron flux and heat combined , I was thinking what is the neutron endurance for glass or various types of glass for example , I couldn't find such info elsewhere? is there any type of glass whose thermal...
  12. Lacplesis

    Diamond vs. glass -- thermal properties

    Hi, I was reading up on the properties on various materials but never quite found out what I was looking for. My question is this , I found out an explanation why diamond is the best thermal conductor even though its not a metal and why other materials that would be similar to diamond like glass...
  13. Lacplesis

    I Chimney vs building demolition physics

    I can't find at the moment but sophie I have seen few cases were a chimney is blown at the base it falls a few meters and then it stops and only after some 5 and more seconds slowly tops over , but I believe if it weren't to topple over due to its height and thin structure it would be left...
  14. Lacplesis

    Electrons in vacuum vs electrons in a sphere

    I know that in a sphere or other geometric conducting objects there is no E field inside because all the charge resides on the outside of the object canceling any inside field , although if I were to focus an electron gas in a vacuum chamber in some circular shape , all the electrons would want...
  15. Lacplesis

    I Chimney vs building demolition physics

    I have seen a bunch of chimney and building demolition videos on youtube and what I typically see is that whenever they bring down a building with explosives especially in urban areas they make the structural elements cut in such a way as for the building to fall in its own footprint and the...